I worked in NZ for 5 years which has pretty similar rules. Basically I showed my qualifications and was told I had to do a stage 3 practical exam (involving a course and a fee) and a course on the regs (their regs book is Electricity Act, Regulations and Codes of Practice in one ring binder). After that you have to do a safety course and CPR and then you get your registration. Thenb every year you pay a fee (approx $150) and get a practicing licence. Every 2 years you do a refresher on safety and CPR.
To begin with I had to get a job as an electricans assistant (mate) before I could get my training and registration sorted. Catch 22 in that you cant get a job as a spark unless yoyu are registrered and you cant gfet registered unless you are working. Took 9 months of beaurocracy to get my permanent residency and I started work as a mate and got fully regd about a year later.
make lots of enquiries before you commit to anything!