If this is of any assistance and I hope it is, contact any of the
colleges which are in the area where you intend to work. My
advice is that if you speak to them, they will put you in touch
with training organisations that put young lads (and lasses)
through their NVQ's and apprenticeships.
There is a funding issue and while your experience puts you
in a good position, the fact that you are over the target age of
17/20 means that you may have to put hard cash up in order
to gain some form of sponsorship.
I know that this may be a difficult one for you to swallow but
such organisations as these are finding it very hard to place
young people who are in the desired age group. Despite the
fact that there is a skill shortage in Britain, employers are still
unlikely to take on extra staff and some (I know some forum
members may disagree) still prefer to poach.
There are signs that this is changing. Some businesses are
beginning to realise that the practice of recruiting staff into
a business is difficult when they see a possibility that the
culture from which the recruit comes could be in direct
opposition to the one into which they may be inducted.
For this reason, some businesses are looking favourably
on apprentices once again.
If you can demonstrate that you bring no "baggage" with
you( and I never knew an Australian who did) I think you
are in with more than a chance.
The best of luck. I have recently met a woman who was
at school with me and she wept with joy when I contacted her
after (a lot) many years. She is living in Perth and loves