I've been asked to add a timer to some automatic gates, on a residential park site, so that they open in the morning and then close in the evening.....
Don't know if it's possible at the moment, will have to get in touch with BFT Monday and see,,,,
but the question is
given recent events, would you do this if it was possible? and if so would you just install a timer or would you insist that you install a warning device to let people know the gate was opening?
also where does tha liability stop with gates, is it with the installer or the site operator/owner?
Don't know if it's possible at the moment, will have to get in touch with BFT Monday and see,,,,
but the question is
given recent events, would you do this if it was possible? and if so would you just install a timer or would you insist that you install a warning device to let people know the gate was opening?
also where does tha liability stop with gates, is it with the installer or the site operator/owner?