Back Box Liners

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
Hey all.

I remember reading somewhere about some back box liners that could be used to comply with other building regulations (mainly B, E & L1 if memory searves) but can not reacall what they are called so can not find them on the tinterweb.

Has anyone seen/heard of these at all (or is this something I should be taking to the patent office abour :p )?


Thats probably the ones. Not sure of their proper name though. I thought they could be used if switches were in a stud wall back to back.

Thanks Zee, Will try my local wholesalers. I just wanted to know if anyone had a name for them before I have to explain for 5 mins what I am after.

can someone point me to a section in the approved documents about the need for these. ive found the section covering lights but not these.


These are needed if you cut into a wall that is fire rated or acoustically rated so you do not leave it in a worse state than before.
