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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2011
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What types of ballasts are needed for old flourescent light fittings you know the bigger type ballasts? For when they do go?.i mean the newer type flourescents have high frequency ballasts in and all the wholesalers have these but what type of ballasts do you have to put in the old. Fittings?

generally I just bin them and fit a new fitting, more cost effective for me as I carry new fittings, but, I dont carry loads of different ballasts,

if its planned maintenance, then I survey and order the correct type of ballasts I need.

other way round for me Steps, i keep spare ballsts, and swap as req'd. takes a lot less space than a new fitting in the van, takes about the same, if not less time to swap them.

other way round for me Steps, i keep spare ballsts, and swap as req'd. takes a lot less space than a new fitting in the van, takes about the same, if not less time to swap them.
yep, but you do a lot more commercial as standard than me Andy,

most of my unplanned maintenance is domestic and they expect to see a shiney new fitting for their money,  :)

most of my commercial/ind is planned.

My printers have a lot of surface modular  2 lamp fittings with 58W ballasts that go fairly often .   Its cheaper to buy a basic  5ft Crompack fitting , remove the choke & sling the fitting  than to order , wait , then pay £15  for a replacement choke that the wholesaler doesn't seem to want to get  anyway .
