Birthday Drink

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Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
On me Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness

Just in case I don't make it later.........going to the pub after work :innocent

happy birthday,

though at your age I didnt think you had them anymore, :slap

they hadnt even invented birthdays when Deke were a lad, :D
Well you're right, they had'nt invented them back then ..... then I started not having them anymore ..... but if I was having them it would be ....TODAY Same as M107's so if anyone fancys a free pint ( No lager drinkers) there'll be free drinks for all Forumites at The Bull , High St. Ambridge, Borsetshire. Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness

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Well you're right, they had'nt invented them back then ..... then I started not having them anymore ..... but if I was having them it would be ....TODAY Same as M107's so if anyone fancys a free pint ( No lager drinkers) there'll be free drinks for all Forumites at The Bull , High St. Ambridge, Borsetshire. Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness Guinness
well, you know me Deke, not much one for drinking,

but I suppose if you insist,

I'll have a half of mild please, :)

Deke how about hitting the bar at grey gables after the bull? happy birthday mate.

Miss sweden Thatcham might be in trouble tomorrow evening, off down the cricketers for a few pints........then the rugby club might get a look in :innocent

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