Bonfire Night

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Distinguished Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Call me a killjoy, but I don't do this, haven't done for years, hate it end of..


Oh ext15 you killjoy!! :D

I love watching the fireworks with the kids, but i draw the line at people who think its funny to set them off at midnight and even later, some have no consideration to others whos children are in bed as its a school night. :_|

You've started me off now. :^O :^O

I like the big bangs............ but you can keep the pretty lights they dont do it for me.

My favourites were the air bombs, cant get them now they've been banned.

My poor dog's terrifed.. :_|

I like watching from a distance.................

Say 3 or 4 miles...

; \

I like the fireworks. Takes me back to being a kid.Not good for pets. :|
Ah, just the man Apache....Applaud Smiley

What's your view on Serenity Tablets for Cats & Dogs..


Ah, just the man Apache....Applaud SmileyWhat's your view on Serenity Tablets for Cats & Dogs..

The pet behaviourists hate them. They think you should address the problem!

I'm all for sedating pets on bonfire night, and it works ok arround here as it's a rural area, but if you live in a built up area there will be fireworks banging for best part of 3 weeks and you can't sedate the pets for that long!

The worst thing you can do if your dog is scared is comfort it. It encurages them to play up to it. Put them in a confined area (cage?) in a darkened room with a radio quite loud. You can but de-sensitisation CD's but it's too late for this year.

I'll be giving out lots of doggy sedatives this week tho :)

The pet behaviourists hate them. They think you should address the problem!I'm all for sedating pets on bonfire night, and it works ok arround here as it's a rural area, but if you live in a built up area there will be fireworks banging for best part of 3 weeks and you can't sedate the pets for that long!

The worst thing you can do if your dog is scared is comfort it. It encurages them to play up to it. Put them in a confined area (cage?) in a darkened room with a radio quite loud. You can but de-sensitisation CD's but it's too late for this year.

I'll be giving out lots of doggy sedatives this week tho :)
We use the tablets sparingly, so perhaps 3 or 4 times at worst..

We've already learned the one about about making a fuss.. ;) ; )

Billy has several places to hide in the Bungalow....

(And we had plenty of loud music this evening)


We use the tablets sparingly, so perhaps 3 or 4 times at worst..We've already learned the one about about making a fuss.. ;) ; )

Billy has several places to hide in the Bungalow....

(And we had plenty of loud music this evening)

what have you got?

A Billy Monster......... :^O Border Colley, with a hint of Labrador..

Rounds up food then eats it?

Collies can be shy of loud bangs! Labs don't usually mind gun shots, but you get the odd one that takes exception :)

lolRounds up food then eats it?

Collies can be shy of loud bangs! Labs don't usually mind gun shots, but you get the odd one that takes exception :)

As soon as I get my hammer out, my dog is well out of the way..

But seriously, like you say he hates loud noises, but doesn't think twice about having a go at any other dog regardless of size..


I spent about 7 years in Bradford. There Diwali is a major celebration and happens around the month leading upto Bonfire Night, so you think one day is bad try one month! :^O

The local kids learned not to try and mess with me as at the start of it I'd get hold of some stage pyrotechnics and start letting them off! It eventually became an event in the local neighbourhood! ]:)

I spent about 7 years in Bradford. There Diwali is a major celebration and happens around the month leading upto Bonfire Night, so you think one day is bad try one month! :^O The local kids learned not to try and mess with me as at the start of it I'd get hold of some stage pyrotechnics and start letting them off! It eventually became an event in the local neighbourhood! ]:)
You 'let the kids off'? Tied to some kind of stage pyrotechnic rocket type thing?


I spent about 7 years in Bradford. There Diwali is a major celebration and happens around the month leading upto Bonfire Night, so you think one day is bad try one month! :^O :)
Well I'm in Leicester Mr Sworld, apart from Tuesday (their big night?) it' been very quiet, like..

