Border terrier skin problem

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there

Just after a bit of advice the dog has got a little scabbey bit on her back . She has had this for about a month ... Since her skin when greasy when the weather turned ... It started off as a little pink patch and I found it when I brushed her and caught it slightly and caused it to bleed.

I was running my hand over her back before and it looks like it now a large scab ... I guess it must have been oozing a little and has now scabbed over .

What is the best thing to do ?

We keep horses and have some purple sprey about and some vet powder , is it worth giving it a blast with that ?

Many thanks

Sounds a bit like a 'hot spot' or pyotraumatic dermatitis! Caused by some kind of irritation, fleas being the most common.

IF it is what I suspect then it needs treating with some steroid cream and likely some steroids by injection and tablet.

Doesn't sound like its getting better by itself so a trip to the vets is in order.

Let me know how you get on :D
