Building a heat lamp to dry horses.

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New member
Oct 3, 2018
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Good afternoon all,

After looking into buying a heat lamp to dry horses in the winter and seeing that they are around 3k to buy we are looking into the idea of building one using lamp holders and a unistrut frame. I see the lamps required are 250w each.

What sort of supply and cabling would need to be put into place  to do this if we were planning on using 6 lamps?

Thanks in advance,


How much is a horse worth and can you afford to lose a couple of them?

I’ll leave it to the lads that are a bit more knowledgeable regarding BS7671 and livestock.

I will say, I think your DIY approach is a false economy.

Thanks for your input Tony appreciate it. It was just I have seen this done so many times I was trying to find out if it was fine to do. It seems a lot of people have taken to making their own due to the price of a bought one. That’s what I’m here asking the experts for.



think I would be more inclined to use hot air than a lamp - you can keep a gretaer distance from the horse.

Now 6 250W lamps is 1.5kW which is pushing a 6 Amp cct to its limits, so I would be looking at something like a 16A cct wired in 2.5mm Heat Resistant flex, and all protected by an 30mA RCD. Ensure you have good earthing arrangements, and if possible ensure horse is an an insulating floor covering like a rubber mat - just in case

This has to be a first on here surely !!! 

How do I build a heat lamp unit to dry horses  with  ?  

I have no experience in this field and have never seen a horse drier to be honest .  

Their is a certain amount of officaldom   attached to building your own devices .... Sidewinder is an expert on those things ....but it seems that you suddenly take  on  the responsibilities   of  a manufacturer .   

What are these things ?   An array of infra red lamps  possibly ?    

Googling Horse Drier  gives one of these 


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Well its something that would work via a 13A plug  

You can get a PVC lid for Unistrut  so  it  could be wired  within the channels Edison Screw  lampholders  .. buy the lamps   ( and some goggles to protect the horses eyes)    .  Wire it  with heat resisting flex  1.5mm .sq    X 3 core  a timer to avoid roasting the horse   ...get a sparks to do it .     

 6 lamps  @ £5  ea   =  £30  

You say £3000.00   to buy  ....Hmmmm  someone's   'avin' a giraffe !!  

My wife has horses

if. I Designed a horse dryer , and I believe I could design one better than anything commercially available, my wife would not use it. Even if it was the best in the world she wouldn't.

reason? people are very odd and it needs the word Equine on it So they feel justification in spending far more money than needed


jewsons bucket. £ effing way am I buying that

equine suppliers, same bucket, £12.50... oh I'll just get a couple of those

just neighing people are very odd and it needs the word Equine on it So they feel justification in spending far more money than needed
Boaty people can be just the same.  the work "Marine" at least doubles the price on most things.

I buy the cheap bucket personally.
