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Heard some bad news im afraid!Mate of mines a chartered surveyer, he says there office has been given a big expensive report thing which reviews and predicts about recision and construction. Basicly he said the report suggests a double dip recesion is to happen in the industry and things are unfortunately to get worse before they get better.

This is apperantly due to the tories getting in, who are going to boost housing construction and try and get more homes out there. However this is going to be offset by the massive cuts in all other areas of public services etc etc. So altough work will be created building more housing, overall there will be less work, all of which will have a ripple effect throughout the industry.

This is just a report/prediction/review, whatever, but its a big company and he says they paid big money for all this info. Lets all hope its wrong! doesnt fill you with optimism. We can only carry on doing what we do best and hopefully we should all be okay soon enough.
and nothing to do with labour digging us into a big hole of debt for the past dozen years..?

Im NOT a Tory,

just a realist.

and nothing to do with labour digging us into a big hole of debt for the past dozen years..?Im NOT a Tory,

just a realist.
Totally agree steps what with labour and the bloody banks we have had no chance and tories will get the blame no matter what they do.

If you want to "blame" someone, blame Tony Blair.

Do you think it was an accident that TB stepped down when he did and let Gordon in?

I don't. I think TB was completely aware of what was coming and dropped his best mate Gordon in the mire. Shows how much TB really hated Gordon.


im no tory hater, just saying what that report said. Its about whats gonna happen in future. All these cuts may be a good thing, might lead to shortage of work in short run but tories/lib dem not messing about like labour. Hopefully this will sort it out soon enough. Stay pozi!

steptoe,im no tory hater, just saying what that report said. Its about whats gonna happen in future. All these cuts may be a good thing, might lead to shortage of work in short run but tories/lib dem not messing about like labour. Hopefully this will sort it out soon enough. Stay pozi!
sorry, wasnt directed at you,

just a generalisation.
