Cable Designations , Co-Ax

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of course Im wrong, ask my wife™
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Gtr Manchester
right, so Ive been sorting through some of my cable stock,

and Ive come across some different designations on some of my co-ax,

RG59 to be more precise, the RG6 is all marked the same, [except the 50 :eek:hms   stuff, obviously]

some of it is marked  rg59 , some rg59 /u , now the funny stuff,

I have 3 drums marked as rg59 c/u and a drum marked as rg59 b/u

I remember getting the rg59 c/u stuff as that was spec'd for a job, but the other stuff, is it just different branding for essentially the same cable?

it is all 75 :eek:hms   , [all the 50  :eek:hms   stuff is marked different]

the only other apparent difference I can see is the inner core csa is different on some of them,

and one of the drums of rg59 /u has a copper clad steel inner,  :(

They are all different variants of basically the same cable. The differences are in the detail like the size and material of the inner or outer core,. and what insulation is used, foam, solid, semi air spaced etc.

For general tv or satellite use they will all do the job.  If you have a long run to do avoid the cheaper ones (tin plated steel cores) as they are the less good ones.

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They are all different variants of basically the same cable. The differences are in the detail like the size and material of the inner or outer core,. and what insulation is used, foam, solid, semi air spaced etc.

For general tv or satellite use they will all do the job.  If you have a long run to do avoid the cheaper ones (tin plated steel cores) as they are the less good ones.
thanks to both of you,

some interesting reading there Onoff

Dave, are you saying RG59 is OK for normal sat/tv use? Ive normally used RG6 or CT100[more often than not] for TV/sat installs,

I had the RG59 for radio/audio stuff.

so do you guys reckon Im ok to run some CCS shotgun, for TV over about 20m ?

would save me having to buy a whole drum,

I dont really do much of this stuff and it would get some of what I have used up.

