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Respectfully I disagree.Here we go - the old "inverters raise the voltage a bit" argument.Think about it - its nonsense.
If two systems were installed on the same property, on the same phase, each inverter would have to "push the voltage up" more than the other one for it to work; which it blatantly doesn`t do.
There IS a training company, who are using this description in their notes - but its complete & utter rubbish. Sorry - I`m in canoey`s boat :slap
It's simple basic ohms law.
For a current to flow through a resistance, there MUST be a potential difference.
Yes the "grid" as a whole is massive, and collectively will have a finite but miniscule impedance. So as load is drawn FROM the grid, the voltage WILL fall, the fall will probably be too small to measure, but WILL occur. We don't yet have zero ohm superconductors.
So by the same physics, when you inject some generated power INTO the grid, the grid voltage WILL rise, but again by a miniscule amount again almost certainly too small to measure.
I don't know where all the talk of DC output is all about. The inverter's job is to take a DC source (the panels) and turn it into AC at exactly the same phase and frequency of the supply to feed it back into the grid. If it outputted any DC with that, that DC would not make it past the first transformer, and would just make that transformer get hot and bothered.
Now lets relate this to a domestic install. The house is connected to "the grid" by several transformers, substations, and local cabling. Those, particularly the local cabling will have a much higher and certainly measurable impedance.
So now in your house, when you draw a load you WILL be able to measure a voltage drop at the supply point. Likewise when you inject some generated power back to the grid you WILL be able to measure a voltage RISE. If you have a good low impedance supply connection, the voltage changes will be small.
In this particular installation we don't yet have from the OP a measure of Ze. That is the supply impedance as seen at the DNO's intake. Lets guess a figure for Ze (just for an example) of 0.5 ohms. IF that's what he has, then when generating 16A of solar PV power, the voltage at that point WILL rise by 8 volts (simple ohms law, volts = amps * resistance)
Now getting back to the OP's voltage problem. We know the voltage is rising too high when generating at full output. Before any "corrections" can be made to the installation we need to UNDERSTAND where that voltage rise is occurring.
What's needed is a competent electrician to spend some time at the installation making some measurements to work out exactly what's going wrong. I have already determined in a previous post, that the voltage rise being seen CANNOT be explained just by the cable impedance. It might be jolly convenient to blame the incompetent installer and force them to install a mammoth cable to reduce the volt drop, and that might well "solve" the problem, but if, as I suspect there are other high impedance issues elsewhere, then all you might achieve is limiting the volt rise at the inverter to say 262 volts (instead of 264) and it would no longer trip and the problem would be "solved" but you would still have a lousy high impedance supply.
I think it's got to the point that I would now advise the OP to employ his OWN electrician to do a PIR on just that inverter supply cable. He should do a thorough investigation of the whole cable run, measuring the impedance on all the different legs of the run and at all the different switching points or DB's it passes through. And a VERY important part of his task will be measure the supply impedance where it enters the property and measure the range of supply voltage seen at that point. Ideally he needs to be there on a bright sunny day when the panels are generating at close to full power.
Again, the results from the 14 day DNO voltage monitor test are awaited on this forum with interest.
This thread started because of a "sub standard" cable size on the install. I think it's moved beyond that to looking at the whole picture. By all means try to get the installer to fit a bigger cable, but I rate the chances of getting that done for free at very close to nill.
I'll bet when they looked at your job to quote for the system, they made a (wrong) assumption that they could use the cable that was there. If they had bothered to take some measurements (which they wouldn't do because it was not an electrician preparing the quote) they would have realised it was too small, and they would have quoted for digging a 50 metre trench and laying a new cable for the job, and your quote would have been a LOT higher.
So to get a new cable, your job is to persuade them that they were wrong, and persuade them to dig said trench and install a new cable. Like I say the chance of getting that for free is close to zero.
I await further measurements and results, but without further real testing, we are all speculating, but my money is on at least part of the voltage problem being a high impedance supply and that is something the DNO can and should sort out free of charge, and will do if their 14 day test shows excessive voltage fluctuations. Pray for some long sunny days during that 14 day test period.
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