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Junior Member
Apr 4, 2012
Reaction score
Been to a callout this morining.

Rented Property had a roof leak, water going into smoke detector on top of landing.Turned off circuit removed detector which was full of water put battery operated detector only back up untill leak fixed charged

Been to a callout this morining.Rented Property had a roof leak, water going into smoke detector on top of landing.Turned off circuit removed detector which was full of water put battery operated detector only back up untill leak fixed charged
Spot on Kinney, in fact if ya can just do a call out to mine and make roast dinner for me and get me a cold beer from the fridge then it would be cheaper than the wife's rate on BHW!!!!

We had a call put on BH Friday as again, leak in upstairs flat, causing tripping on socket circuit. Business partner was there 90 mins inc travelling. Will probably be billing just in excess of

Well I fitted a flue less gas fire did all the prep work, then got a gas safe chap to put a foot of pipe in and connect up it took him 30 mins.


Thing is Gas fitters have to pay a lot more than we do in yearly fees and assessments, AFAIK . When I did 17th ,the room was used mainly by Gas Safe guys, one said to me "Its OK for you Sparks , we're here all the time "

When I did my 17th last year, I got talking to a few gas safe blokes and they said its every 5 years they get assessed, I surpose there might be a few more regs but not gone it to it so not sure.

