Thanks KME, my sentiments exactly, what the hell is all that carp about paying up front " on account " as you say they have your money in their account when it should be in yours, and as I said earlier, no othe business is made to work like this !! X(
Its forced on us because of the iffy history of non tax payment in the construction industry. My four best customers are printers , not in the constuction industry, so they pay me gross
Whats the prob ?
If you have a good tax record you should be paid gross and not treated like naughty schoolboys who can't be trusted . Builders brought this on us years ago with their " Lump " system , so much per day, cash in hand ,no questions, no tax, no insurance, no holiday pay, no rights, 'ows that then Del Boy attitude X(
We're not economic migrant workers trying to cheat the system , we're bleedin' electricians Mr. Brown ,we're educated manual workers.
See my point , if you take your skills to industrial work, commercial and domestic , direct, you get paid gross of tax, soon as you return to the building trade , Oh here,s that naughty sparks again we must stop his tax at source X(X( X(