code ones

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Junior Member
Nov 4, 2008
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subing in a factory making turbo wheels via high frequency induction.electricity board have been in and done a PIR question, how long have the company got to sort out the code 1, code 2. inspection was aprox two weeks ago thanks

Code 1 indicates a dangerous, or potentially dangerous, condition that requires urgent attention to make the installation safe. so i would say ASAP!

Regarding Code 2 , it depends on the fault (Code 2 Requires improvement) so this could be somting a lot smaller that doesnt require urgent attention .

what are the faults?

faults range from over-rated circuits (fuse protection) to earth faults ,no earths at outlets where metal conduit is used as the earth and plastic is used for drops. open fuse boards no barriers stright on to the c/bs some old type wylex. typical factory installation by maintenance sparksunder pressure to get things done

Ohh Dear , well if that was my factory i would want the work doing stright away , if a memeber of staff gets a belt the courts would have your pant down!

You can anonimously report things like this to the HSE. After two weeks, the HSE would be round like a shot and probably shut down the electrical installation, which would quite possibly shut the factory. The cost of repairs would pale into insignificance compared to the fine once it got to court (which it would).

subing in a factory making turbo wheels via high frequency induction.electricity board have been in and done a PIR question, how long have the company got to sort out the code 1, code 2. inspection was aprox two weeks ago thanks
"Electricity Board", that must have been a lot longer then 2 weeks ago!


On a more serious note, if code ones ( REAL DANGER ) are given then something must be done before Inspector leaves site, either fix it, disconnect it, or at very least issue Danger notice and get responsible person to sign for it.


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