college problem

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Senior Member
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
done my 17th in June and passed but printer was not working properly and could not print out results only got the top half of result paper and i the college say when they sent the results to c&g there was a computer error and c&g did not get then the college are now saying we might have to do the 17th again problem is just started the 2391 and not got time to revise for both.X( X(

has this happened to any body else and what happened.

I dont see where their problem is, its a college after all, there must be a tech head that can find the results on the hard drive, if not i would make a very loud stink!! Let them know your going to the media...this would shame them so much they would pull a jumbo jet out of their ass, never mind a rabbit out of their hat!!!

I dont see where their problem is, its a college after all, there must be a tech head that can find the results on the hard drive, if not i would make a very loud stink!! Let them know your going to the media...this would shame them so much they would pull a jumbo jet out of their ass, never mind a rabbit out of their hat!!!

Hi all, am new here and finding it a tad confusing lol. Basically I'm after help with the level 1 2330 paperwork, I've no doubt we'll be covering it all in class but I'd really appreciate any help I can get along the way

Cheers dudes and dudettes


welcome to the madhouse.

not really much i can say unless your more specific in what you want help with.

have a read through the student forums, and when you get to something your not sure of, make a thread and someone will help
