conductor names?

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I was just posting this because a lot of electricians say it out of habbit even when they know what they mean

Earthing conductor

Main protective bonding conductor

Supplementary protective bonding conductor

Circuit protective conductor.

These are the terms now used.

OK then, prepares to be shot down in flames etc, but, if we are getting down to the level of semantics then they are not actually 'called' anything.

However the 'definition' would be something along the lines of

green continuity conductor

Brown...[phase] line conductor

blue ...neutral

however in my case they are earth, live and neutral.................oh, and the 'green and yellow earth continuity conductor sleeving ' is green sleeve

The opinion expressed above are mine and are worth exactly what you have paid for them!!..................... :coat

I`m not saying ANYTHING, because we don`t have enough information.......

Maybe its a switch wire, and they haven`t sleeved the switch wire. Maybe some numpty used a T+E for 2 way switching or fan over-run.

The blue wire could be a phase conductor too.

Trying (very) to be clever doesn`t tend to work very well here. And insulting the moderators is risky at best - you`re just lucky "he who we don`t name" isn`t around


btw - if you`re going to continue to post stuff like this - spelling would be good (the forum even provides a spell checker, for those who were studying conductor names so hard, they forgot to pay attention in English classes).


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Mandator, you should not judge a book by its cover. You may think you are the elite electrician, but you should practise what you preach. You do not know me so do not judge me.
Then it would be better if you phrased your question better, if I was to ask the same question I would have included a background so people would have had an understanding of why I asked the question. I will on this occasion offer no apology given the nature of the post.

Even when it comes to earthing and bonding conductors a lot of electricians have different terminology

Even when it comes to earthing and bonding conductors a lot of electricians have different terminology
This is very true, even I am often wrong in terminology, the only terminology accepted is the current terms used for the written 2391 examination.

I do not need an apology manator, but if we was all the same then the world would be a boring place. How you or anyone else would phrase something will always differ.

My point is that if the terminology in the "regs" books would stop changing then maybe electricians would remember and we would all know the correct terms.

Forget about it, i still look at some colours and think they are line conductors, it still does my head in that black was never used for neutral and now blue is neutral, harmonised?

Yep manator I know exactly what you mean.

I am surprised at a lot of the people on this forum who think they are better than most. Even though in my first post I knew what the answer was I was shocked at some of the replies. We should try to help young apprentices or older guys/gals breaking into the industry. Knowledge should be shared.

Yep manator I know exactly what you mean.I am surprised at a lot of the people on this forum who think they are better than most. Even though in my first post I knew what the answer was I was shocked at some of the replies. We should try to help young apprentices or older guys/gals breaking into the industry. Knowledge should be shared.
The main problems arise when questions are asked by people who profess to know more, but then ask basic questions which implies that because of the internet can hide behind a false persona. There is nothing wrong with learning, and I amongst all other members of this forum feel a sense of pride when we can give constructive advise to those who ask. The way you phrased your question was poor, if, given your previous postings are indeed correct. So again in this instance I offer no apology.

Like before I need no apology from you or anyone else on this forum. If people are scared to answer simple questions because they are scared in case they are wrong then shame on them. We can never be right at all times.

Yep manator I know exactly what you mean.I am surprised at a lot of the people on this forum who think they are better than most. Even though in my first post I knew what the answer was I was shocked at some of the replies. We should try to help young apprentices or older guys/gals breaking into the industry. Knowledge should be shared.
I guess that this is a pop at me (amongst others).

The problem is, as I said in an earlier post, that you didn't phrase your question very well, it sounded more like a homework question. Most of us here are all for helping people out, but it doesn't help them if we do their homework for them, they learn nothing except for how to copy someone elses answer!

If you had phrased your question differently then the replies that you have received would have been very different.

brown =earth

blue =live

yellow and green =line

Wet Fish

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Well if you look at the posts some were judging me without knowing my background. If you look at andy's post that is a prime example. He is no better than me so he should stop judging.

TBH, you are not innocent, you did get plenty of opportunity to expand on your question but you decided not to, if you had we would not be having this conversation now.

I think it would be better if this thread was closed and we all took it as a learning excersise.

If you look at andy's post that is a prime example. He is no better than me so he should stop judging.
How do you know he isn`t?

Surely, you`ve just judged HIM??? People in glass houses should take their underwear off in the cellar.

How the hell can such an inane post garner three pages of replies.

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it would seem that mr smith has returned from his winter ski sabbatical just in time

the thread is closed

mr smith is in residence once again

mr smith hopes all forum members enjoyed their festive times


mr smith

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