Covid19 profiteering....boils my urine

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Oct 22, 2010
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Home for the terminally bewildered, one step ahead
Have you seen the price of FFP3 masks on fleabay 3M 9332+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!

its freaking obscene.        £260 for a box of 10!

anyway guess who has two boxes of 10 in his onsite storage matrix?  :innocent

so I am going to......

given them to wife as she is a teacher and manning the school,for children of key workers and vulnerable kids. Also,working over Easter as school,is staying open to provide care

Apparently when they run out of stock they list the items at silly prices to save on eBay listing fees. If they removed the listing when out of stock then they have to pay a new listing fee when new stock arrives. 

Apparently when they run out of stock they list the items at silly prices to save on eBay listing fees. If they removed the listing when out of stock then they have to pay a new listing fee when new stock arrives. 
These appeared to be genuine auctions that folk were still bidding on.  At least they are  down now so folk aren't getting reamed

has any of the trades here done any installation in houses wether lived in or not. this week since the lock down


tuesday am, EICR on empty property, and I already had the keys. Nothing since

been asked to do some work in another empty property next week, however,

monday - builders, decorator and handyman 

tuesday - decorator and handyman

weds to fri decorator

i m not going unless it’s empty

Going out this afternoon to fit a replacement satellite dish. I should not need to enter the house.

Someone wants me to change some light fittings. I will be telling her it can wait.

I have a garage wants wiring, only issue with that is going into the house to connect the feed,


tuesday am, EICR on empty property, and I already had the keys. Nothing since

been asked to do some work in another empty property next week, however,

monday - builders, decorator and handyman 

tuesday - decorator and handyman

weds to fri decorator

i m not going unless it’s empty

And who is sanitising the properties between trades if this virus can live on surfaces for a good number of hours, I don't think you can be too cautious at the moment

i dont blame you murdoch but wasnt there something about installation isnt classed as essential only maintenance 

Well, the property was empty and the tenants are due to move in on Saturday - doing the EICR on an empty property was a judgement call on my part - but I had cancelled other work before the PM spoke

One of my neighbours is a fireman and a decorator - he works on his own and is going to carry on regardless on outside work.

And who is sanitising the properties between trades if this virus can live on surfaces for a good number of hours, I don't think you can be too cautious at the moment


Good job I recently bought a new box of 500 pairs of disposable gloves ...........

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On a different  note, TFL have stated they have 1/3 of their staff off sick.

My misses is a midwife and they only have 1 person "in self quarantine" - out of a couple of hundred

Well, the property was empty and the tenants are due to move in on Saturday - doing the EICR on an empty property was a judgement call on my part - but I had cancelled other work before the PM spoke

One of my neighbours is a fireman and a decorator - he works on his own and is going to carry on regardless on outside work.

Since Boris's Monday evening lockdown I never knew there were so many definitions of essential and the list is increasing all the time

Good job I recently bought a new box of 500 pairs of disposable gloves ...........

Will they fit / are they suitable for your handtools and test equipment as well as your hands otherwise how do you stop any possible cross contamination

On a different  note, TFL have stated they have 1/3 of their staff off sick.

My misses is a midwife and they only have 1 person "in self quarantine" - out of a couple of hundred

TFL have a lot of customer facing staff who probably have close contact with 10's of thousands of people everyday while there will be those who are throwing a sickie to avoid work does that 1/3 include people who might be more at risk if they get coronavirus and those who are self isolating for other reasons

The one thing that seems to have gone out of the window since this pandemic majorly kicked in is the risk assessment or is having a possible coronavirus carrier on a construction site a hazard that does not need to be risk assessed. It begs the question if somebody on a site is found to have coronavirus does that have to be reported under RIDDOR

Will they fit / are they suitable for your handtools and test equipment as well as your hands otherwise how do you stop any possible cross contamination

Well , interesting point but I suspect far more cross contamination is occurring every day in supermarkets courtesy of trolley and basket handles.

these are thin disposable gloves, so not perfect, but I do have a large container of hand sanitiser too.

on a slightly different subject we’ve just been out for a walk - the number of vehicles surprised me, and this included quite a number of trades vans with multiple occupants ... 

Looking at the latest news it looks like the lockdown may become more severe after today with  no one allowed to leave their home "without reasonable excuse" risking a fine or arrest

We should be on total lockdown now there Should be no reason to put work above health, but we do- why? 

i do suspect that we will be put into more strict lockdown in coming days though, especially now that a plan is on place for the self employed. 

We should be on total lockdown now there Should be no reason to put work above health, but we do- why? 

i do suspect that we will be put into more strict lockdown in coming days though, especially now that a plan is on place for the self employed. 

AFAIK The "Guidance" put forward earlier in the week becomes Legal soon..  (Friday or the Weekend)...

It has to pass though some procedures then via the House Of Lords.....

But technically assuming no objections, I think they said it was by Friday at the earliest, when things like restricting peoples movement becomes legal.. 

As such the Police will then have greater legal powers to check on who is out and why... not just a 'Can you please go home' request..


I currently work for Amazon in one of their fulfilment centres. I was sent a text by the government telling Me that I am a 'key worker' and that I can go to work if I feel well enough. I have been advised to keep the text message, as if I feel My collar pulled by the police, the text acts as a passport of sorts, to be away from home with a valid reason why I am not at home.

Andy  Guinness

I currently work for Amazon in one of their fulfilment centres. I was sent a text by the government telling Me that I am a 'key worker' and that I can go to work if I feel well enough. I have been advised to keep the text message, as if I feel My collar pulled by the police, the text acts as a passport of sorts, to be away from home with a valid reason why I am not at home.

Andy  Guinness

Only good if you are on your way to or from work but looking at the current guidance issued to police you need an ID card and a letter from your employer to validate your journey

TBH I'm considering leaving my mobile at home if I need go out to give the police less evidence to work with


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