cowboy builders channel 5

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Mar 26, 2010
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Anyone happen to catch cowboy builders on channel 5 last night? Apparently they mentioned part p (progress on the horizon?) :D

Got an e-mail from a mate (also a spark) telling me about it. Apparantly the builder bodged an outside light and they got a part p spark to come and rip the work apart. However, before the spark turned up the presenter informed us that to do the work the builder should be part p QUALIFIED. (It is not a qualification and just confuses the issue!) headbang

When the spark did get there the first thing he did was make reference to the distance from the spur to the sink, apparantly saying, 'part p regulations clearly state that a switch/socket should be 60cm away from a sink' or words very much to that effect. He also made no mention of main bonding or rcd protection instead just informing the presenter (to massive over reaction) that under fault conditions the sink could become live. When asked what are the repurcussions of this job, he answered, 'possible death'. No details or useful info whatsoever for customers, just more sensationalist drivel. If anyone knows where I can view this I'd really appreciate a link.

Factually misleading & a bit annoying to those of us in the trade, but well intentioned and informative to the not so well informed

They should have had a list of them at the end of the program

ok most people recognise NIC but most of us have our part p providers logo on our vans

so the next time joe public sees your van they will think 'i saw that on the cowboy builders program'

all to do with awareness.... i would have put some cred to the program on where to find a non cowboy

This programme ,like so many others lately is produced for the dramatic and sensationalist effect on its viewers, alot of it seems pre arranged but put over to us as instant. The presenters are portrayed as the stars of the show and are clearly well coached in their utterances.

They are however ,in my opinion, still beneficial in exposing the cowboys of this world....but as you say, the provision of the full facts and info for the viewers is always slightly lacking .

I personally feel these programs do more harm than good. Half the time the presenters don't know what they're talking about and sometimes, the so called "experts" don't know what they're talking about either and likely as not only have little experience.

For once I'd like to see a few programs about awkward and deceitful customers.

I wrote an email to them last series querying some points that melinda made (that at first fix cables should be in a framework). They emailed back saying my point had been noted and would put more research into the subject of giving the public more information.

I would hate to think that the research is not as comprehensive as it should be in the hope of getting more of a reaction from dom and melinda

I wrote an email to them last series querying some points that melinda made (that at first fix cables should be in a framework). They emailed back saying my point had been noted and would put more research into the subject of giving the public more information.I would hate to think that the research is not as comprehensive as it should be in the hope of getting more of a reaction from dom and melinda
Indeed, Melinda Messenger giving tips on wiring is like me giving tips on mascara.

Indeed, Melinda Messenger giving tips on wiring is like me giving tips on mascara.
Have you got any ????

i need something different for the weekend


Maureen xx


Cheaper than the blokes with Moustaches?

Ohhhh Maureen, She's cheap. :D

Have you got any ????i need something different for the weekend


Maureen xx
I don't need to use any darling, I am already blessed with thick, luscious eyelashes.



Brian could do with some though...


The so called expert said

1. That part p clearly states that an electrical accessory should be at least 50cm away from the sink............Part P doesnot state anything of the sort, BS7671 and other parts of the building regs do, but part p no.

2. That the pattress was dangerous because you can get your finger in and touch the live cables.........He clearly could not do this no matter how hard he tried.

3. He referred to the twin n earth cable as "bare" cable and that if it touched the pipes inside the boxing out in the kitchen, the whole of the kitchen pipework would become live............Maybe if it wasnt bonded, had no RCD, or infact, was actually bare.

4. He said that the T&E cable to the security light, was dangerous because it was not protected?...............Is he saying it should be in flexi conduit or something, what planet is he on? :red card

My expert opinion says that man isnot an expert.
