Nowt wrong with a borrowed neutral on a lighting circuit as long as they are both on the same RCD. I think it's infinitely preferable to have separate MCB's for the lighting circuits than keep them on one MCB because of the borrowed neutral.
:_| :_| headbang
:red card
Borrowed neutral is NOT borrowed anything....
It is TWO circuit breakers supplying power to the same piece of cable.
It is a VERY dangerous practice leaving the probability that someone could work on cables thinking them to be dead when they can still be energised...
which rather goes against the fundamental principals that a good electrician works to.. "To protect people, property and livestock (131.1 pg 14)"
That is notwithstanding the fact it is a direct contravention of
regulation 314.4 page 39 Red Book:-
Where an installation comprises more than one final circuit, each final circuit shall be connected to a separate way in a distribution board, the wiring of each final circuit shall be electrically separate from that of every other final circuit, so as to prevent the indirect energizing of a final circuit intended to be isolated.
OR if you still don't like all this new money..
Regulation 314-01-04 page 33 Brown Book:-
Where an installation comprises more than one final circuit, each final circuit shall be connected to a separate way in a distribution board, the wiring of each final circuit shall be electrically separate from that of every other final circuit, so as to prevent the indirect energizing of a final circuit intended to be isolated.
OR.... if your not happy with all these new changes to regs you could even cast your eyes over....
Regulation 314-01-04 page 29 Yellow Book:-
Where an installation comprises more than one final circuit, each final circuit shall be connected to a separate way in a distribution board, the wiring of each final circuit shall be electrically separate from that of every other final circuit, so as to prevent the indirect energizing of a final circuit intended to be isolated.
No!.. I am sorry but a final circuit that can be energized from TWO sources IS bad practice..
and has been bad practice for a very long time..
and any person suggesting it is OK to do should NOT be giving advice out on a public forum!
DIY homeowner, changing his new landing light fitting that he buys from B&Q..
Turns off the upstairs lights...
Like wot it says in the instructions...
Take old fitting down...
Pops into the garage to get some bigger screws.. (cuz the ones in the box are always too small)
Comes back... Not knowing that little DIY jnr has pressed the downstairs switch to work the landing light...
DIY bob standing on his stool top of the landing grabs hold of the red and back wires, (its old wiring in his house!! ) to put them into the connector block..
gets a 230v belt between Line and Neutral....
Not path to earth .. So NO RCD trip's!!!!
Tosh!!!!!!!!If you cannot locate and separated two circuits feeding the same neutral wire..
they MUST be put onto ONE circuit breaker to prevent the risk of accidental energizing the circuit whilst a circuit is being worked on.