Daft question about telephone prefixes

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Anyone know a site that I can find local prefix numbers ie 0114 for sheffield 01246 for chesterfield, think I had a phone call from someone in Sterling, Scotland this morning. Dont have the foggiest as to who it is.AndyGuiness Drink
Andy just put the first 5 or 6 digits on Google and see what results you get..


its the 0151 you have to be cautious of - almost guaranteed to be a scam!
What like?

Do you want any premiership tickets for next season for Liverpool or Everton?

Whoops sorry forgot Middlesboro and newcastle went down last season:^O:^O:^O

0161 is joining in with the scammers now - one at home last week at 03:45 and a fax at work this morning at 05:56. Pity the fax print cartridge was duff, as being registered with TPS and FPS I would have loved to give the scammer a piece of my mind.
