I liked the hands free loop tests on the LTW range of loop testers, they were 2 wire (even on no-trip) and would autostart as soon as it detected 240v. You did have to be a little careful though, if you were careless and put line on first and ended up touching the earth probe and you were a bit earthy, it would see 240v and try and do a loop test, once it bit you once, you'd learn to be more carful so wasn't a big thing.
Been there are done that.
I like Megger gear - I know the 15xx series intimately, I had one that failed calibration, I got hold of a service manual and worked out how to calibrate it at home, and next time around it passed with flying colours. It's a very well made machine, in my opinion having had both in pieces I'd rate it higher than the 17xx series in terms of design and build quality.
Using a megger X1 multi-function at the moment
Similarly I recently got one, mainly as I got a contract testing a site with 54 boards and the CertSuite link was appealing.
I'm with you all the way on auto-start loop tests, needing to press the button first is annoying, especially when you forget and have climbed a ladder to get two probes onto the right terminals in an FCU.
Similarly for testing a row of RCBOs.
The delay in starting the IR tests also annoys me; I've still got a functional Robin KTS 1620 that comes out to play for serious fault finding as you get 500v immediately to the leads and the answer immediately!
I had a strange new X1 quirk yesterday, I IR'd a circuit and got 230M but also a very loud beep. Nothing else on screen to say why (apart from leakage = 2 nano amps). It certainly wasn't live.
I take comfort in the user-firmware update ability though. They will get it right in the end. Probably.