I know it's apples and oranges but how can we impose a contract on these cream of our society - and they are that - the cream or the crop - these guys are much more benefit for US as a society than most other professions many of whom get paid more - our MP's being a prime example, Continually getting huge pay awards well above what doctors earn...don't tell me mp's are exceptional or whatever because they quite simply are not. They are voted in by people they convince with whatever comes out of their mouth. A good confidence trickster could easily do almost any politicians job and to be honest most of us wouldn't notice any different - But a untrained man or confidence trickster could not do the job of a junior doctor effectively.....hence the doc has to be worth more.The BMA have too much power and need putting in their place. There was no option other than to impose these contracts.
If you get an NHS bursary for your training then there ought to be a payback clause if you leave having not worked a set number of hours. Yes we attract doctors from all over the world because we have one of the best health services in the world. So doctors trained in other countries are fair game because we happen to have a "better" NHS than they do ?I am very supportive of the NHS and the staff. I am also mindful as a taxpayer that we need to get good value for our taxes - So your tax's are more important than a polish guy's tax who pays for his countryman to go through medical training ? Sounds fair lol. paying anyone a huge premium on their salary who does a job they knew required 24 hour working is stupid. What huge premium ? They all entered the profession and willingly entered into a contract that is now being changed without their permission.
Without any debate:
It is stupid that a Saturday or Sunday daytime is not normal working hours. It is time to get rid of the stupid Sunday trading hours. I don't care whether you all like it, but society runs 24 hours per day. Well there is a majority that DO care about society and their health and well being that includes working hours and the remuneration there of.Actually having some time off work in the daytime on weekdays is amazing for productivity.
- Hospitals need to run 24 hours per day with ALL services that may be needed in an emergency They all ready do.
- More people die on weekends due to lower staffing (of all grades and types) Many reasons for this - Drunks for one, people leaving it too late is a second. People dying that were admitted midweek are also in these figures - The government already agree that the weekend factor has absolutely NOTHING to do with junior doctors.
- Buy using the facilities more wisely you can get more patients through the system with the same number of staff - Irrelevant to emergency care which is already there - Do I want my ingrown toenail dealt with at the weekend ? Nope I would rather have the doctor work 50 hours and be fresh and ready to do my op 9-9 during the week.
It's about working smarter, not harder. The solution isn't just the junior doctors - it does involve the whole NHS. This is just the start. What the health service really needs is starting again with a blank bit of paper. The government realises that throwing more money at it, is not just the solution.
Society is 24 hours.....there are enough people out there for these 24 hours to be shared evenly and YES those who opt to work the nights and weekends should be remunerated extra against those who want to work 9-5.
You seem quite happy to roll back what we used to call progress - IE society having family time, community time, holiday time. ect ect ect.....But as long as you can get a loaf of bread at 3am then that's ok.....talk about selfish 1st world problems.
This is what Hunt wanted anyway - Watch the young docs move over to agencies or even set up limited companies and start charging per day.....and the NHS will either have to pay it (They will short term) and then the NHS will declare itself bust with the only hope of savior being an insurance based system very similar to our American cousins.....you know the one that they are trying to claw back control of over there...yet we are heading down the route they went 50 years ago.
Yep I believe this is a 10 year end game as far as some vested interests are concerned. They must be rubbing their hands in glee at the opportunities coming their way - using the old NHS's equipment of course. Nice big bonuses for insurance giants too.....Buy some shares in some American healthcare providers as they seem to be 1st in the queue anyway.