I'm sure patch will be along shortly.
If it is any help I regulary remove ticks from my dog. I got my tick removal tools from the vet which consists of two different sizes of removal tools, these are basicaly a piece of plastic with a v slot in one side, pick the appropiate tool depending on tick size, slide the V along the skin and under the tick head, twist anti clockwise and off it comes, sometimes it takes two or three attempts. Be patient as you want the whole tick including head of in one go. I have had to use tweezers before as the tick was an akward size or in between the tool sizes.
I am sure Patch will advise not to put anything on the tick as it may cause the tick to spew its infection into your dog, I take the tick of then give the wound site a wee wipe with a mediwipe. On some walks (deer areas) I have had to take of about 5 or 6 ticks after the walk. I have noticed that the ticks come in 3 main sizes, wee tiny brown ones size if a pin head, tweezers for them, bit bigger black ones, and beefer brown ones about the size of a big match head. Once I get them of they all receive a ritual burning in the mediwipe. Handy hint, when you take them off and before burning I put them onto a bit of insulating tape so that they can't escape very handy if there is 2 or 3 to remove.
My dog makes it easy for us when we do it, as she has it done that many times that she just goes into a totaly relaxed and chilled state, my brother in laws dog puts up a bit more of a fight.
PS I have had to take ticks of my own body as well.
Hope this helps Steve