Id really appreciate if you could help me to solve some doubts from the BS 7430:2011 ( the part that talks about the electrodes resistance calculation)
It is not quite clear for me if, in order to calculate the resistance to earth of a 3 rods triangle system, we ONLY use the equation given on "three rods at the vertices of an equilateral triangle", or we ALSO have to calculate the resistance of the round conductor and then the total final resistance of the paralleled system.
In the section "9.5.8. Miscellaneous electrodes", there are several configurations like Three rods at the vertices of an equilateral triangle, two strips set at right angles to each other meeting at one corner...
- The equation given on, apart from the errors presented on the edition 2011 which seem to be amended on the a1:2015, doesn't include the diameter of the conductor that connect them all together.
-How is it possible that if a parallel connection is needed between the three rods and the ground electrode, it is not mentioned on the code?
- Assuming we have to calculate resistance of the round conductor too, Do we use the straight run round conductor electrode?
Thanks a lot in advance
Id really appreciate if you could help me to solve some doubts from the BS 7430:2011 ( the part that talks about the electrodes resistance calculation)
It is not quite clear for me if, in order to calculate the resistance to earth of a 3 rods triangle system, we ONLY use the equation given on "three rods at the vertices of an equilateral triangle", or we ALSO have to calculate the resistance of the round conductor and then the total final resistance of the paralleled system.
In the section "9.5.8. Miscellaneous electrodes", there are several configurations like Three rods at the vertices of an equilateral triangle, two strips set at right angles to each other meeting at one corner...
- The equation given on, apart from the errors presented on the edition 2011 which seem to be amended on the a1:2015, doesn't include the diameter of the conductor that connect them all together.
-How is it possible that if a parallel connection is needed between the three rods and the ground electrode, it is not mentioned on the code?
- Assuming we have to calculate resistance of the round conductor too, Do we use the straight run round conductor electrode?
Thanks a lot in advance