efficiancy calcs

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Senior Member
Sep 12, 2008
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how many diffrent types of efficiency calculations are there i have got energy output over energy input x100 and also power output over power input what is the calc used when you times then all together.

i am well confused ? ?:|

energy = power = watts = joules

it's the same

You work out the ratio of the two and times by 100 to get a %

If it's more than 100% efficient either PM me the plans ;) or work it out the other way round


how many diffrent types of efficiency calculations are there i have got energy output over energy input x100 and also power output over power input what is the calc used when you times then all together.i am well confused ? ?:|

(Output/Input)x100 = Percentage efficiency...

the type of output to input could be anything..

Power out vs power in,

Watts out vs watts in,

Joules out vs joules in,

Energy out vs energy in,

Boxes out of a warehouse vs boxes in,

Pets out of the vets surgery vs pets in,

Socks out of the washing machine vs socks in,

Sheep out of the sheep dip vs sheep in,

Trains out of the station vs trains in,

Customers out of the shop vs customers in.

you can measure the efficiancy of anything.

I must be thick. Can someone work this calculation out for me and tell me what you come up with please?

Input VA Up Ip Us Is Output VA Resistance Efficiency

1029.20 240.3 4.283 111.1 8.9 988.79 12.48 ???

Would be doing me a HUGE favour.

I must be thick. Can someone work this calculation out for me and tell me what you come up with please?Input VA Up Ip Us Is Output VA Resistance Efficiency

1029.20 240.3 4.283 111.1 8.9 988.79 12.48 ???

Would be doing me a HUGE favour.
There is a lot more info there than you actually need - mostly to confuse/make sure you know the question.

to work out efficiency, you only need input and output

Output/input x 100

so 988.79/1029.2 x 100

you can finish off

What a plonker!

Thank you so much.

I'd actually written that down in my calcs but for some stupid reason I was doing Ouput Va with Secondary Voltage.

Thanks again.
