electric meter question

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Mar 27, 2017
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Hi all, was just googling and came across this forum so thought I'd ask on here...

British Gas want me to switch to smart meters which I don't mind but I advised them when I previously tried to switch from PAYG meters to credit meters thay the BG engineer couldn't do it because he said something was missing from my PAYG meter which meant he couldn't switch off the meter safely in order to change it. He advised me to contact my housing association to get this done. When my housing association engineer visited they said it's not something they do and told me to go back to BG. I couldn't be bothered with the hassle so left it there.

When BG recently asked me to switch to smart meters I explained the above and they offered to carry out the required work free of charge. I didn't hold my breath and glad I didn't as the BG engineer said that the work that is required is not something they do, it's down to a company called Western Power Distribution. I contacted WPD and they are visiting on Friday to do an initial inspection to find out exactly what needs doing but I'm assuming I'd have to pay for it.

As I only rent the property I don't want to spend alot of money on the job. I was just wondering if anybody knows roughly how much I'd have to pay?

Also all the meters for the block of flats I live in (there are 4 flats above a row of 4 shops) are connected to some other meters in a locked cupboard under the external stairs to the flats and only one of the meters is labelled as to which meter belongs to which property. Will WPD be able to work out which meter is mine?


I didn't explain the last bit very well.

What I meant was each flat has an external gas and electric meter by the front door of each flat. This is where I top up my meters as I'm on Pay As You Go meters but there is also a locked cupboard under the stairs upto the flats. There's 8 meters in there too but only of them is identifiable as to which property the meter is for.

Also you shouldn't have to pay for anything to do with metering ...it all belongs to them , its their problem to sort out .

Western Power , by the way , are the electric network company .  They look after the power supply up to your meter but not the meter itself.     The meter is down to whoever you buy your power from. 

Yeh the BG engineer said that the work that needs to be done is down to WPD because what needs installing is before the meter, so he couldn't do it. I think it's an isolation switch that needs putting in but meter tails were also mentioned so I'm not too sure of the correct terminology. I'm going to try and get British Gas to foot the bill, worth a shot.

Yeh the BG engineer said that the work that needs to be done is down to WPD because what needs installing is before the meter, so he couldn't do it. I think it's an isolation switch that needs putting in but meter tails were also mentioned so I'm not too sure of the correct terminology. I'm going to try and get British Gas to foot the bill, worth a shot.

It's all a bit vague and may be plausible, or it may be ballcocks spouted by incompetent morons. Either way, it is down to either Western Power, British Gas or your landlord, or all 3.

WPD are responsible upto cut-out fuse only, meter tails to meter is a demarcation line, meters belong to metering company, from meter to your property belongs to property owner, privatisation of the industry made all this simpler and more efficient of course.

WPD are responsible upto cut-out fuse only, meter tails to meter is a demarcation line, meters belong to metering company, from meter to your property belongs to property owner, privatisation of the industry made all this simpler and more efficient of course.

Here's a picture just to make it even simpler. @jp2003 in your case WPD is responsible for the blue bit. If it's just a case of getting an isolator fitted it's a quick job. 


You are NOT obliged to have a smart meter - and as they are not compatible between suppliers, should you want to change suppliers you will need to get the meters changed too.

Tell them to go away...........

It would be a lot more prudent to get yourself an OWL rather than go through all this stress.

That is the part of the smart meters that is the least useful IMO. I'd have one for remote reading, the indoor unit might as well be left in the box.

The indoor displays are a waste of space. Sure the display may be showing green but if all you've got on are your garden lights you could be wasting money......


Maybe the wrong item? 

Mine tells me what I need to know and be configured for lots of situations, can't see how it differs from the shat that BG supplies apart from the pretty colours.

As for the meters themselves...What is actually useful about them for us rather than them?

Thanks for all the input. I've just had a visit from WPD and he was a bit unsure what to do about it as the meter tails are short apparently but I showed him next doors meter set up and a light bulb went on in his head. They're going to install a single pole and henley block free of charge next week which then enable BG to switch the meter off safely to swap it.


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