electric shock from cooker switch

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Junior Member
Jun 28, 2009
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today i was out at a job coz the guy got a shock from his cooker. so i check out the cooker itself an the elephants nose and all was clear, so i went to open up the ccu which is just one of those really old ones like a big metal box and ****in bam:^O. got a shock. so after i turned breaker off i unscrewed the switch and re energised. put testers on earth and neutral (incoming cable) an it was 240v. can any one explained why this is?

Is the polarity correct, is the cooker connected across Live & Earth , is there a fault on the cooker but the earth is not continuous so becomes live including the metal CCU .

Is the polarity correct at the mains, the incommer to the meter ?

What the hell is an elephant's trunk ? ( Wheres the confused icon gone?)

Mack I've just noticed that you have made 3 posts (welcome) and in two of them you have received shocks . There are guys on here with over 2000 posts , I'm fearfull you are not going to make it to 5 . :eek: ; )


Mack I've just noticed that you have made 3 posts (welcome) and in two of them you have received shocks . There are guys on here with over 2000 posts , I'm fearfull you are not going to make it to 5 . :eek: ; )Deke
I'm over 5000 posts and I only ever had 1 shock :D

Damn extension lead, damaged insulation kicked like a horse.


Must be 10 years ago or more.........

Hi Patch !! Notice how you don't forget , as you say, " kicked like a horse" . If you are well earthed your chances of survival are slim .

As an apprentice I was investigating why a three phase isolator wasn't switching properly. I cheated the cover fail-safe , saw that the switch blades were not going in , forgot they were live , forgot there was 415 volts across them , pushed them in with my thumbs, luckily I was thrown back , but will never forget it !! What a part !!

Is the polarity correct, is the cooker connected across Live & Earth , is there a fault on the cooker but the earth is not continuous so becomes live including the metal CCU .Is the polarity correct at the mains, the incommer to the meter ?

What the hell is an elephant's trunk ? ( Wheres the confused icon gone?)
elephants trunk is a cooker outlet point.. yes all polarity is correct. but the earth was connected to the metal box. so theory is if earth is live then the earth bar in the main board should be aswell but it wasnt. wht the hell is that all about. earth wasnt touching anything at the outlet etc. it wasnt a faulty cooker reason being. i tested the cable from the fuse box to the ccu. E to N was 240v.

Use wander lead to test R2, bet you find a floating earth between ccu & db.

Never hear of the outlet being called a elephants trunk?.....new one on me.

Anyone think we are looking at a disconnected earth wire and the voltage is induced in it , perhaps. Do continuity on the earth or an impedance test.

Just don't stick your finger on it again !!!


Hi Patch !! Notice how you don't forget , as you say, " kicked like a horse" . If you are well earthed your chances of survival are slim . As an apprentice I was investigating why a three phase isolator wasn't switching properly. I cheated the cover fail-safe , saw that the switch blades were not going in , forgot they were live , forgot there was 415 volts across them , pushed them in with my thumbs, luckily I was thrown back , but will never forget it !! What a part !!
Was working with a couple of other guys in a factory about 8 years ago. It was on packing machines which we were modifying. One of us on each machine. My mate said he was going to isolate, when he came back I got stuck in and got a 415v belt accross my hand. Had to sit down for a while after!! Moral of the story, always do your own isolation and always check first and never rely on someone else!!

Was working with a couple of other guys in a factory about 8 years ago. It was on packing machines which we were modifying. One of us on each machine. My mate said he was going to isolate, when he came back I got stuck in and got a 415v belt accross my hand. Had to sit down for a while after!! Moral of the story, always do your own isolation and always check first and never rely on someone else!!
Good point Foxy , guess we have all done it . It was drummed into us as apprentices , not to trust anyone saying its dead, you must test it yourself , even if the gaffer says its off, out comes the tester. The other thing we did which is more difficult these days , was to always take the fuses that you have pulled with you.

Good point Foxy , guess we have all done it . It was drummed into us as apprentices , not to trust anyone saying its dead, you must test it yourself , even if the gaffer says its off, out comes the tester. The other thing we did which is more difficult these days , was to always take the fuses that you have pulled with you.
but fuses can be replaced. if its locked, it a bit harder

Anyone think we are looking at a disconnected earth wire and the voltage is induced in it , perhaps. Do continuity on the earth or an impedance test.Just don't stick your finger on it again !!!

i didnt stick my finger on it. and was the metal casing of the ccu that was live and i touch that holy ****.

Andy, as the Nazis said when questioned about war crimes, I was only obeying orders. I did'nt make the rule, wish I hadn't mentioned it now. :_|
if your the only one there, its unlikely to happen, but if there are other working then its possible for the fuses to be replaced in wrong holder. if its locked, their key wont fit and they will notice immediately there at the wrong lock

if your the only one there, its unlikely to happen, but if there are other working then its possible for the fuses to be replaced in wrong holder. if its locked, their key wont fit and they will notice immediately there at the wrong lock
Like the alcoholic old f*ck I once worked with who was in no way an electrician. I was terminating a spur and my neon driver lit. I looked over and he was ramming a fuse in each holder in turn to try and find what he was working on. This is the guy who claimed he was a heating engineer to trade and I got the task of powering up the heating circuit he had just wired with all the thermostat contacts across live and neutral. :(

Elephants trunk. Am I right in thinking its a commercial kitchen? Not domestic? So there is 3 phase?

Did you do an insulation resistance test? Because if that metal elephants trunk (copex) is damaged it could also mean you haven't got an earth path either.

I once got 240v neutral to to earth. But then I also got 415v Phase to neutal. The reason was a missing neutral connection furthur up stream. It had blow


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