ENA Test Type Register

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2022
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I did a search a didn't find this topic anywhere on the site...

Was digging around and found the Energy Networks Association Test Type Register
Apologies if this is all old hat to you, I hadn't been aware of or seen the register before

It looks to me to be a place you can look up whether a device is compliant for usage on the network, although it does state "DNOs retain the right to review the suitability of the device for connection to their network"

Compliant against what? "G98 and G99 are ENA standards that outline the requirements for connecting generators in parallel with public low voltage networks. Standards G98 and G99 superseded the previous ENA standard G59 on 17 May 2019. G100 details the technical requirements for customers' export and import limitation schemes applicable after 1 May 2023"

It states: "This Type Test Register enables logged in manufacturer users to enter details and upload type test documents for devices that are covered by the new standards."

It looks like the manufacturer supplies evidence of compliance with the necessary tests and the ENA gives it a thumbs up or thumbs down, or requests further information from manufacturer

Intriguingly "The ENA are currently reviewing all Type Test Register submissions", (against G98/G99)

There are several compliance categories, including this one
  • Non-compliant for new installations: This status was introduced in September 2022 to capture devices that were previously compliant but, following changes to the standards, no longer are. ....
it then gives a reason why - related to "LFSM-O" test, which seems to have been recently introduced

Several things strike me
1 How solid is this register - is it taken with a pinch of salt, or is it a go/ no go deal breaker for kit ?
2 Some ppl may have kit ordered or have an installation in the pipeline which has now become or shortly may become non-compliant? - is there a period of grace for items already ordered?
3 Great timing given what may be sitting in wholesaler's stocks, hopefully DNOs will apply some common sense

Sadly I saw an inverter which I thought was a good option to build into a system is on the "Non-compliant for new installations" list

Hopefully I'm not the harbinger of doom and it's been expected for ages but though folks might be interested