I'd like to put in an extra light fitting upstairs.
There are currently 13 light fittings on the circuit - 2 of them with extractor fans wired in. All the bulbs are CFL, so even with the extractor fans (60W apiece) included, total wattage is less than 250W.
I've read that a standard lighting circuit can support up to 11 light fittings, each of 100W, so does this mean I've loads of headroom for an extension?
Thanks for your time.
I'd like to put in an extra light fitting upstairs.
There are currently 13 light fittings on the circuit - 2 of them with extractor fans wired in. All the bulbs are CFL, so even with the extractor fans (60W apiece) included, total wattage is less than 250W.
I've read that a standard lighting circuit can support up to 11 light fittings, each of 100W, so does this mean I've loads of headroom for an extension?
Thanks for your time.