Hi Nat, Andyc has answered your questions to me , But I still think 10mm SWA is overkill. I don't think you have a volt-drop problem ( not done any calcs) so the way I look at things is :- Two sheds in garden , probable load = a 100w lamp in each shed and an electric mower once a week, unless client has indicated anything else. 10mm SWA rated at approx. 66amps...6mm SWA rated at 48amps..... 4mm rated at 37amps...... 2.5mm rated at 29amps. I know which one I would pick.
A metalclad C/U in the shed will let you gland your SWA directly to it.
I don't know any domestic C/Us that have 20mm knockouts for SWA .
The switch shown by Andyc is the one I'm thinking of.
Sorry I don't really know how to post photos and links onto the forum.