another option is these. but note the delivered thing is slightly different, and has screw heads rather than hexEE - used a PVC box for my own 6mm SWA, but used a henley box inside it.
another option is these. but note the delivered thing is slightly different, and has screw heads rather than hexEE - used a PVC box for my own 6mm SWA, but used a henley box inside it.
the 10mm only has 2 screws - bit like a terminal block but without the plastic cover. the 16mm has 4 screws, and will take 4-16mm. there designed more for resin joints, but once joined you can insulate them with rubber tape and stick them in an enclosure. you can also get branch joints if you wanted to take a feed elsewhereAndy, these look good! So just put in the cables and put it in a box then?v Job done - thank you.
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