fire brigade adverts

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Well-known member
May 13, 2008
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has anyone advertised with the fire brigade

I have had a phone call offering advertisement in there quaterly jornal to be delivered to all the local houses in my area

they said they were national and set up jornals for different areas

has anyone on here advertised with them ?

and did you get any results?

they have promised that i will be the only spark in it

has anyone advertised with the fire brigadeI have had a phone call offering advertisement in there quaterly jornal to be delivered to all the local houses in my area

they said they were national and set up jornals for different areas

has anyone on here advertised with them ?

and did you get any results?

they have promised that i will be the only spark in it
DONT fall for it,i did a couple of years ago cost me

Ever watch 'The Real Hustle' on BBC3? There was a thing on about this, but it was a police magazine. Had a man in uniform and everything. People handed over the cash but no magazine!

Ask yourself - have you ever seen this fire brigade magazine through your door?

You could always go to the fire station and speak to someone there - make sure it's genunine!

Ever watch 'The Real Hustle' on BBC3? There was a thing on about this, but it was a police magazine. Had a man in uniform and everything. People handed over the cash but no magazine!Ask yourself - have you ever seen this fire brigade magazine through your door?

You could always go to the fire station and speak to someone there - make sure it's genunine!
i had the call for the police one

I knew it was a scam as they referred to me as a major contractor in the area

one man band with a rusty van... thats me

i also had the local council magazine scam

sent them packing.......

i had the call for the police oneI knew it was a scam as they referred to me as a major contractor in the area

one man band with a rusty van... thats me

i also had the local council magazine scam

sent them packing.......
I actually fell for this one round here, cost me

thanks guys

I think I will call the local fire brigade HQ about this.

I have not as yet paid them anything. I did say yes on the phone but I can uphold my rights with the distance sales regs.

They do this scam under a few different guises..



Ambulance service

& worst of all kids with lukemia

First off they call you by your cristian name and try to be really matey with you, I can now tell who they are within the first 5 words that they say and all they get from me is "Sorry, not interested"

These people are the lowest of the low DO NOT FALL FOR IT!!

Its bull poo m8.

They`ll even phone you up, asking if you remember talking to them, and telling you that the mag is now printed, and being delivered in the area.

They`re all trying to sell you summat or nowt!!!!!

I had the one about local government wallplanners, again they were scousers and got VERY nasty when I never went for it. Persistant calls for months though.


With a lot of these sort of scam adverts.. they start off saying something like..

"we are calling on behalf of".. so I normal ask.. so who actually are you then??

then ask if they have the ability to remove my number from their database? then tell them to clear off!X(X( X(

with advertising.. I generally think re domestic work.. the main sources of contacts are ..

Word of mouth from friend or family.

Yellow pages.

Thompson local.

Internet search.

Any of those four I think would be top of the searching pile?

and any other obscure little limited circulation publication, IF they do actually exist, would probably end up in most peoples bins (or recycling box!).

The only obscure publication I have ever paid to advertise in was the school H.S.A. program for the summer or winter fair or a specific one-off school event. typically

Ive also heard of this type of thing,where some have billed people and then hassled them for money even when they have not signed anything, and only asked for more info.

Scam the scammers.

"Hi Andy as one of the premier electrical contractors in Somerset, we can offer this fantastic advertising deal for you in Norty Nurses Monthly..."

"Just a moment, can you hold whilst I get my partner to the phone - he deals with all these enquiries........."

Put the phone down, turn telly onto Sky News (keeps them interested longer) and leave the phone for 15 minutes. When you get back - they have gone, never to return....

Worked for me several times with various idiots (loan sharks, advertising gems, you name it).

Some of the sharp-practice "advertisers" phone up requesting payment on an advertising order that has been placed. Ask for the purchase order number, date of issue and the buyer's name. This tends to flummox the thieving bar stewards.

Alternatively, register with TPS.

I am on TPS and still get these calls.

This is how I deal with them

The best way is NOT to identify yourself and state you are not empowered to make any sort of business decision.

then say 'how can I help?'

Say the boss doesn't take any calls as he is busy and all communication should be in writing.

They also usually call saying they spoke to someone earlier.

I ask when they called and the name of the person they spoke to

I also state that all calls to my number are recorded and they are being recorded at the moment.

Works every time

I got a phone call yesterday, froma media company saying they are dong a mag and conjunction with local police.

They wanted comitment on the phone. I said no, please send details for me to look at but I am not agreeing anything over the phone.

Got a call about 1 hour later from the supervisor finalising the agreemnet and for my credit card number. I just laughed at the guy and politely informed him I had not agreed to anything.

Scam artists all of them,,,
