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was it a withheld number ???

if not let us have it (please :D )

i already have 4 numbers in my phone from these type of people

had a phone call from one of these scam artists yesterday,number witheld:O

It seems the flavour of this months scam is a publication for bullied kids.and it was a scouse accent again:^O

I had a call from the Devon and Cornwall fire brigade (which I think was genuine), but as a piece of advertising it was useless. It covered the whole of Devon, which from Plymouth can be upto 2 hours drive to some parts, and was generally given out free to members of the community who have time to go to free-talks etc etc - ie those without money!!!

Keep getting calls for 'free-websites' aswell. The web site is free but the hosting is

looks like everyone is gettin these calls.... they think that if they phone me every 2nd week ill eventually fall for it...
I keep telling them...

go on, ring AndyC again.... he's weekening...

he'll break soon!!!! ]:) ] :) :^O :^O:^O:^O

I keep telling them...go on, ring AndyC again.... he's weekening...

he'll break soon!!!! ]:) ] :) :^O :^O:^O:^O
wont get me to break!

depending how i feel, i have a few things i do to them

1: the standard 'go away' (maybe a little different on phone)

2: if they ask for payment, say ill transfer them to someone who can pay them. put them old hold and get on with life (they have still been there after 15 mins once!)

3: go along for a bit, then remember that i have no authority to authorize anything

And if anyone wants to phone them and sell stuff, i have a phone number....

I had a call about some Australian Horse racing thing it possibly was a genuine company but I will never part with money when people ring my mobile or home phone again asking for money over the phone. I was scammed by these so called emergency service scams never again.


i had the police one today,i let him ramble on and on about how its such a good cause yada yada yada. when he got to the money part i told him i never make decisions about money on the spot over the phone,he sounded really proffesional and convinsing till it told him im not interested,the conversation ended with him telling me he will go and give the opertunity to my competitors gutted:^O get these calls ALL the time.

get it all the time, always from liverpool sometimes sounds like they are calling from a train station or something, im fed up with being nice to these people especially if its a bad day, i know everyone has a job to do but it seems on certain days up get up to five of these calls! local police, firbrigade, childrens rail safety mag, childrens road safety mag, just winds me up now

I had the one about local government wallplanners, again they were scousers and got VERY nasty when I never went for it. Persistant calls for months though.******s
easy way of stopping that what i did was told them to hold the line and then put some quiet ish music next to phone, hey soon got pi$$ed off :^O

Hi guys I do a lot of work for police force and staff, and they do not advertise this way. They have an internal network based notice board that they recomend trades on because of the nature of there work they dont just let any one into there homes. The best thing about this work is you always get paid at the end of every job without any grief. and it is 100% free. so anyone trying to sell this is a crook!

Hi guys I do a lot of work for police force and staff, and they do not advertise this way. They have an internal network based notice board that they recomend trades on because of the nature of there work they dont just let any one into there homes. The best thing about this work is you always get paid at the end of every job without any grief. and it is 100% free. so anyone trying to sell this is a crook!
they are normally 'selling' and advert in a fire/ police magazine. which no-one seems to have ever came accross. when they have phoned for 'payment' i have asked for a 'copy' of the magazine. usual response is me getting cut off...

I've had a new one today from a welsh bird from some company dealing with anti bullying at schools ...

"hello I'm calling on behalf of IPK"

That's nice for you

"yes we spoke to you or someone at your company back in August, & took a verbal agreement to advertise in the booklets that are to be distributed around your local schools"

dont think so love

"Yes it was definately a verbal agreement & payment of
