Thanks SL, it seems to be working ok with the other wall lights connected. If I was going to change the dimmer switch I would fit a SMART one as you say but they all appear to need a neutral connection which isn’t there. Any ideas?
I would never personally use or recommend a "Smart Switch"... and/or a dedicated remote?
As I said I use wi-fi connected LED's.. which I can use from my phone app and/or as Richard said via voice activated devices e.g. Alexa..
I really like the automatic timer controls you can set via phone app, so you can have various lights coming on/off while you are out / on holiday etc.. (saves faffing around with timer plugs).
Are there any dedicated smart remote controls that you can use while you are away from home?
As I can control my lights from wherever I am providing I have internet access.. On/Off/Dimmer level/Warm/Cool/Colour/etc..
I was up in Sheffield today visiting granddaughters, and I turned on a couple more lights as well at the few timer controlled lamps already set-up, while approx 80miles away from home, so that the house didn't look black and empty, offering a calling card to any low-life opportunist looking for an easy picking..
But when I am at home I don't tend to use the App much? I just tell Alexa which room/lamp(s) I want to control....
I Also have some Alexa controlled 13A plugs, which are useful for other Non-light appliances..
{ This can also be fun when the grandchildren visit and they know how to say "Alexa All Lights On/Off/Red/Blue/etc.." so they can set every smart LED in the house to whatever setting they like!! We had a few mornings over the Christmas holidays waking up to lights going on/off/and changing colour!!

Smart LED's + phone app require; No wiring accessory replacements.. No extra neutral wiring at switches.. No LED compatible dimmer switches.. No minimum quantity of bulbs connected for smooth dimming.. No additional remote controller (inc batteries)..
To me the easiest option is a no brainer if using smart LED lamps, where you just plug in new lamp, power-up, pair and name with phone app... My personal choice are Philips smart LED's, and three Alexa pods in various rooms, (I only use Alexa as they were birthday/Christmas presents from the children!!), with no problems so far.. But other brands/makes are available, and maybe others on here can offer alternative solutions and their experience?
Alexa type devices are also good for listening to live radio / podcasts in key rooms, Lounge/Kitchen/Bedroom, hence we have three!!