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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
Nice looking install. Very tidy indeed

Did the fuse carriers by any chance have an asbestos lining on the inside? Alot of the porcelain ones unfortunately do.

Nice looking install. Very tidy indeedDid the fuse carriers by any chance have an asbestos lining on the inside? Alot of the porcelain ones unfortunately do.
Good point Russ.


Nice looking install. Very tidy indeedDid the fuse carriers by any chance have an asbestos lining on the inside? Alot of the porcelain ones unfortunately do.
Generally white asbestos though. So not always a reason to replace the board in industrial environments (however it must be entered into their asbestos register) but I always carry a couple of asbestos warning stickers to apply to the fuse-board nowadays.

As for residential properties...... Hmmmmm.....

Again not a real reason to replace the board but most home-owners would ask you to quote to replace if you told them it had it in. Landlords probably wouldn't care!

hi there

The fuse carriers didn't, but there is an asbestos divider between the top and bottom row of fuses (live and neutral fuses). Least of my worries - did a job once where i was cutting the stuff without realising what it was - dust everywhere and no mask. Can't do anything about it now, life goes on :)


hi thereThe fuse carriers didn't, but there is an asbestos divider between the top and bottom row of fuses (live and neutral fuses). Least of my worries - did a job once where i was cutting the stuff without realising what it was - dust everywhere and no mask. Can't do anything about it now, life goes on :)

That's fair enough but you need to ensure you dispose of asbestos properly and not just take it down your local tip or where ever you dispose of your rubbish.

If you get seen dumping asbestos anywhere other than a proper asbestos disposal site theres no two ways about it you will get humped bareback by a man with aids! :x

If you get seen dumping asbestos anywhere other than a proper asbestos disposal site theres no two ways about it you will get humped bareback by a man with aids! :x
That might be a pain in the ass] :)
