But you can't deny the weather is changing Apache, man made or not, the planet is warming up and that is generally regarded as scientific fact by all but a few......
You can argue till the cows come home what is causing it :slap (bad pun intended)
I happen to believe (and is scientifically proven) man is adding 'fuel to the fire' and altering the natural cycle of things, you obviously believe different. The 'man affect' is to artificially move a natural slow system rapidly, not allowing people, plants or animals to adapt as they would do under 'normal conditions', this is where the 'disaster syndrome kicks in, though media spin always 'inflates the truth' - never let the truth get in the way of a good story!
As for tropics to ice age, we have also suffered from much continetal drift and have at times been on the equator. At this latitude we should be firkin cold, but we are warmed by the sea and tropical waters preventing the -40 deg 20ft of snow that Canada gets. Either way, you can't deny that 10 billion people are doing something to the planet, and it has to be said it might benefit some areas as well as be detrimental to others
According to weather patterns, determined from ice core samples, we should currently ( or fairly damn soon) be heading very gently towards the start of a mini-ice age, so the fact that the planet is still warming up also says something about the effects of mans behaviuor.