Gsm Dialler

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Dec 2, 2009
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We've just installed a flood detection system coupled to a pyronix v2gsm dialler.

The system is designed to monitor two local locations and in the event of leak, set alarm off and then dial a control room. The control room acknowledges the alarm, then contacts the relevant people who travel to site check things out and reset the alarm.

All working great - apart from when the alarm call is acknowledged the dialler then rings them again and again.

The system does get the acknowledge as you can enter the remote operation menu.

I spoke to their technical help but not much help. I've been looking at the online documentation which says input is through a 39k or 47k resistor, but the docs supplied had no mention of this. Could this be the issue?

Supply is from flood panel at 13.8v as is the signal.

Has anyone any ideas? It's the first I've had anything to do with.

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Flood panel only monitors two points in the same plant room as 200k damage done last year.

It's a single activation from the flood panel, so a continuos 12 signal.

It dials, control room enters the code and hangs up. Then it texts another number (me at the minute) then it does it again and again. 12 times tonight !

I agree with your thinking. I have seen it before where the comms will repeatedly call as it does not receive / hear its kiss off. But it never sent its data either. (well it did, but the receiver could not understand it) A ADSL filter did solve that one.

Is it on an ADSL line?
 BUT it was not a conventional micro filter
£5 says it was.

The alarm industry has a different looking broadband filter that has screw connections instead of a plug and socket.

a fiver,,,  :eek:

jaysus, thats me priced out of the bet,

big spenders you guys,

Im usually on matchsticks, or maybe a couple o bob at the most,,,,,,,

No it's not on asdl, it's on a vodaphone SIM card mobile Dialer. It responds to you pressing the acknowledge code by a long beep then you can enter remote operation if you enter another code, so it's hearing and understanding what you send it.

But then it ring you back again. And again. And again, seems to be doing the number of redials in its program. We even tried removing the signal manually after activation incase it didn't like the continuous alarm signal, makes no difference.

It's as if it just doesn't understand that after its had the ack code it can go back to sleep.

I've spoken to our alarm guy, who thinks it's duff, as does our alarm manager who spent half a day on it with me. So does his mate from previous employment.

We've got it down to 2 calls on alarm then on reset which they can live with for the time being while my boss sorts out with the supplier of the kit.

It's just pants as it's the first time I've seen this kit, so I've been doubting myself.
