OK so lets firstly agree that an RCD is a device which (if working) will get a chance to save our lives if/when we do something stupid..
Now lets say that we do that stupid thing,,,, the RCD has one and only one chance to operate,,, if it doesn't then we're going to be put at a higher risk than we should be.
So... given that, we should never exercise a RCD before or during the tests to achieve the prescribed trip times - you won't get that benefit if you're getting an electric shock I can assure you!!
And now to my reasoning,, given the above
1x first - when I test a RCD I want to be sure that it'll trip the first time 99.9% of the time,,, if you carry out the 1/2x test first then you could be pre stressing/exercising the mechanism a bit... I know it won't be much, but the trip coil will have had some current passing through it and it will have had a mechanical effect on the mechanism
1/2x last - like I've said,, this is the order I do things... 1x 0deg, 1x 180deg,5x 0deg, 5x 180deg, ramp, manual and then 1/2x
so when I test I have already done 6 tests on the RCD before the 1/2x test,, that's 6 operations of the mechanism.... IMHO this is the most likely time that a RCD will fail the 1/2 times test
When I'm testing a RCD I am looking for it to fail,,, I'm not looking for it to pass................. mostly they pass though, and for that I'm happy as I know that I've thrown everything that I can at it
Oh... and I have a MFT 1502.... It doesn't have an auto test!