harness training

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Welcome to my world. I usually tell women I'm "high up in the city". With my looks they wouldn't believe I'm filming the new Diet Coke ad! :)





Only had to crawl along the boom once (stuck limit switch):


---------- Post Auto-Merged at 20:45 ---------- Previous post was made at 20:43 ----------

I have to say I rarely go near such equipment, and then only at relatively low levels. Onoff's post is an interesting insight into using such equipment on a regular basis. Haveseen picture of burst ball bag - nasty. like the 'de-gloving' phrase
A genuine medical term I understand. Sadly often used as a result of IEDs in Afghanistan etc.

you a windowcleaner then onoff? ;)

I too regularly work at heights on marine equipment at the port. this week I was 60' up on top of a passenger walkway that connects to the side of the ship for embarking/disembarking foot passengers. There is a steel rope that is anchored to the front and back and we clip our lanyards on to it and the lanyards are short enough to prevent us going off the edge - fall restraint.

you a windowcleaner then onoff? ;) I too regularly work at heights on marine equipment at the port. this week I was 60' up on top of a passenger walkway that connects to the side of the ship for embarking/disembarking foot passengers. There is a steel rope that is anchored to the front and back and we clip our lanyards on to it and the lanyards are short enough to prevent us going off the edge - fall restraint.
You mean "Vision Technician" please! There is now an NVQ in it!

Me, no. Now I simply maintain the kit and come up with the odd upgrade / modification and do a bit of CAD work here and there. Pretty varied, 1P & 3P motors, plcs, 48v control circuits plus all the mechanical mucky stuff including hydraulics. I used to be the Design Manager for a company importing all those in the pictures and more from New Zealand. Ended up putting most of them together too!

A couple of years ago I was doing a job underwater. Fully kitted, bailouts, roped etc {only down about 15m} Elf n safety monkey said I needed to wear a life jacket as I was 'on or around the vicinity of water'. I asked him how I was expected to descend [sink]....his priceless advice was to put more 'lead on'....I pointed out that this would negate the effectiveness of the previously advised lifejacket! He skulked off muttering under his breath... :coat

I don't suppose these antics would pass muster these days .

I worked on overhead cranes for a while, all round the country , with a firm that removed the old manual tram like controllers, built and fitted a modern panel and a radio control panel . The idea was to get the driver out of the cab and working , the crane could be controlled by joy sticks on a panel hung around the neck from the ground .

The fitter thought nothing of winding a rope around himself like a harness and climbing out of the cab.

This was usually to undo the nuts bolting the old controllers to the floor of the cab while I held a spanner on the other end.

To make sure no one switched the downshop rails on without warning we left them on , and lifted the pick-ups off the lines . To use a power drill he had a lead with no plug , earthed the neutral by wrapping it round a nut on the crane then just dropped the bare live over the top live rail .

errr no Deke definitely not. spent 12 years working on overhead cranes in the smelter and we had strict procedures and the downshop rails were isolated and locked off every time, harnesses worn....... unless it was the night shift with no bosses about ;)

I don't suppose these antics would pass muster these days . I worked on overhead cranes for a while, all round the country , with a firm that removed the old manual tram like controllers, built and fitted a modern panel and a radio control panel . The idea was to get the driver out of the cab and working , the crane could be controlled by joy sticks on a panel hung around the neck from the ground .

The fitter thought nothing of winding a rope around himself like a harness and climbing out of the cab.

This was usually to undo the nuts bolting the old controllers to the floor of the cab while I held a spanner on the other end.

To make sure no one switched the downshop rails on without warning we left them on , and lifted the pick-ups off the lines . To use a power drill he had a lead with no plug , earthed the neutral by wrapping it round a nut on the crane then just dropped the bare live over the top live rail .
From one extreme to the other.....you can see why H&S was introduced, but I'm still a great believer that common sense is more appropiate without taking needless risks, trouble is it's hard to teach :^O

BTW, IPAF recommend you NOT to wear a harness in a cherry picker, and unless that site specifically had a risk assessement for wearing one then he should have been told where to go!
When I re-done mine less than a month ago we was told to wear it, what happens going across a bumpy site when the bucket starts really bouncing? With a harness you stay in bucket! Without one you fly out! Sure you was not thinking a about PASMA training?

When I re-done mine less than a month ago we was told to wear it, what happens going across a bumpy site when the bucket starts really bouncing? With a harness you stay in bucket! Without one you fly out! Sure you was not thinking a about PASMA training?
steptoe did correct himself.......sort of.........in post #10

When I re-done mine less than a month ago we was told to wear it, what happens going across a bumpy site when the bucket starts really bouncing? With a harness you stay in bucket! Without one you fly out! Sure you was not thinking a about PASMA training?
try reading the whole thread. he's already made clear what he meant in post 10. and as i said in post 14, there are times when any kind of harness / restraint must not be used

My mistake didn't read through the whole thing. I put it again at the bottom just incase someone else only read it like I did lol.

Sorry fella.
