Has YouTube gone down ?

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Possibly some technical issues, It's just hanging with no response at the moment when I just tried (1:03am)

Doc H.

I just logged with Google    but  my desktop shortcut  doesn't open it ..as the Doc says  it just hangs there.

I'll try again .    

NO  it won't open from my shortcut . 

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I just logged with Google    but  my desktop shortcut  doesn't open it ..as the Doc says  it just hangs there.

I'll try again .    

NO  it won't open from my shortcut . 

Still no response, unless we've both been barred for watching too much porn? How many hours of "X" rated video's have you been watching over the past week Deke? (and NO, Bert Weedon or Johnny Cash fingering & plucking their strings does NOT count as porn!)

Doc H. 

Still no response, unless we've both been barred for watching too much porn? How many hours of "X" rated video's have you been watching over the past week Deke? (and NO, Bert Weedon or Johnny Cash fingering & plucking their strings does NOT count as porn!)

Doc H. 
No porn  Doc  ,  some flatpicking  and a touch of Lester Flatt  though .        Have you tried access via Google ?      I can't figure  why the shortcut fails to open . 

And its not very often the BT hub goes down  these days.  

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