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New member
Sep 15, 2024
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I'm not a qualified electrician, but I was trained by the BBC as a radio broadcasting engineer in the 1960s. I did a lot of electronic repair and some circuit design, so I'm fairly well up on electrical basics, measurement etc.
I don't know much about details of the current fixed installation regulations but I have an idea of what wiring I'm allowed to do and what not, and I like to think I stick to the rules with my occasional DIY.
I'm just about to have some major wiring changes in my house. Obviously I'm using a proper company to do this. The existing ring mains were installed in the 1970s, the lighting probably in the 1960s, and never had a proper test since so I'm awaiting the EICR with some trepidation!
When getting quotes I discovered that there seems to be quite a lot of room for individual opinion in deciding what is acceptable, so depending on what comes up I might ask for some second opinions here.
Meanwhile I'm finding the posts and answers interesting and educational so thank you!
I retrained as an electrician after many years as an electro mechanical engineer. Like your self I was pretty well versed in electrical theory , but you have to appreciate the is power distribution rather than control circuitry, and it's more about the physical installation of the cabling.

Just about every electrician has their own opinions, so I would say find one that listens to what you want, offers sensible ideas, and doesn't just harp on about 'you have to to have this that or the other' .

And welcome to the forum, we will do our best to offer advice.