
Talk Electrician Forum

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Hello and Welcome to the forum. It's good to have you onboard.


Andyc, Makes no difference when someone joins and makes their first post.

It is comments like that, that could put posters off posting.


That's right mate - it is.

Some people will only post when they need us. And that is fine by me.

On another forum, I was a member on, they had one that posted after 3 years.

Andyc, MAkes no difference when someone joins and makes their first post.It is comments like that, that could posters off posting.


well look after him... we like Mr ohms...

now he's dipped his tow in the water he's sure to be back:D

All people who make posts are some of our bestist friends:D:)


he needs to tell us a bit about himself?

so hello again Mr ohms....

please tell us more?

are you a Spark, Training, Retired, DIY, Surfin & curious, VET???

and grab a few of theseGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink

and park your backside down here on Admins best sofa! :) :x
