Help please about Low Zs

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Junior Member
May 24, 2011
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Can any one help me to find out three possible methods of reducing measured value of earth loop impedence (Zs).

Best Regards

Only ways I can think of are and this depends on whether its a design stage or existing installation

1. increase conductor size

2. shorten the cable length (if possible)

3. Ensure terminals are correctly tightened.

4. Add supplementary bonding or parallel earthing conductor

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Their is one more way but this depends on the earthing type of the installation.

If its a TT supply ask the supplier to alter it to TNCS, but dont tell Steptoe!

Yes please.
Hello Harris786. Home work generally means you try the answers first. The forum is very helpful, but it is a rather selfish and lazy attitude to expect others to do all of your questions without you actually trying yourself. Please have the respect to offer some suggestions as to what you think the answers would be first. In May 2011 you said you were doing;

Hi all, I am Harris Mian from stoke-n-trent and doing my C&G 2330 Level three and I thought this is the best place to be.
I would of thought you should understand a few of these points by now to be able to hazard a few reasonable suggestions.Doc H.
