Thx , is a “place” where the installers can shows their references ( Previous PV systems installed, history of the company etc etc) and “reach” new clients just showing their skills and competence. Quality of the installation is important, PV is a long life system, so little details make a difference. The criteria of this “virtual square” is to inform potential client, so they can choose the right product but also the right Installer. Not all installers are equal and it is great that we can get more authentic information and learn about the experience. Actually, most people usually pay their attention at the product itself and the price, choosing the Solar Panels Company.
Almost all the installers companies have a website, because they know the potential of the Web , but is it enough?
You'll wonder how potential customers can get in this "place", because this place offers mainly the answer to: This panel is good? It responds through a comparison of real output of plants from all over the world.
I know that my explanation it is not clear, but I did my best to not use names or keywords that could even lead to understand the company.