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Jonnyboy 68

Junior Member
Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
Joined last night and went straight in with a question ...how rude !!

Anyway, I'm 42, ex military and I've recently trained in this profession as another string to my bow.. and realised that there is far more to this 'electrickery' than they teach you in the classroom !!!. Got a feelin I'm gonna get a lot from this forum. look forward to ur help and advice and maybe one day i'll be able to offer some back !!



Rude?????? ?:| ? :| ?:|

blinkin RUDE???

Don't think so Jonnyboy68! ]:)

I think its Admin been rude not telling us all you'd posted.....

We LUUUVVV new members to start posting...

good reason for a bit o lubrication!!!




Welcome to the nutters Best lektwical forum. :Welcome:

:D :) :x

good to have you here m8. :x

beware of the Guinea pig, the Vet, Deke/Sandra/Deke, anyone called Andy....

and anyone called Paul.. netblindpaul (or derivatives),

avoid members who have 'Rev' in their name...

Lurch, Badger, KME, Admin2....

or anyone with more than 200 posts!!!

other than that..

were all GOOD here!


if you see Brian roaming about where he shouldn't be...


send him back to Deke!

cheers! Guinness

Welcome to the forum Jonnyboy,

It's good to have you on-board, Mate. :)

Hi Jonnyboy68

Really welcome

No worries I had questions when I joined in.

Everyone is so friendly and you will get an answer here..

Enjoy, speak later

