High Leccy Bills

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May 16, 2010
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hi guys i was at a job today to repair a cracked socket when the woman who stays on her own in a 1 bedroom semi detached house asked me about the high bills for electricity,

Is that High?

Always a kettle of fish these queries.

Eco 7 Water controller should be running at night on off peak tarriff, but good to check settings and see if timer is working.

What else does she use? Washing machine every day? dish washer? tumble dryer?

Suggest she gets a wireless electricity monitor (

I have been at an elderly ladies flat today - her bill for the past quarter:

Last time I saw a high bill like that was when the immersion heater thermostat had failed and the water was boiling. Oh yes, says the customer, the hot water was a bit hot Wet Fish

Look at the bill and see if it's the daytime or night time usage that's high.

my electric bill is 10 pound a month ... and has been for the past 8 months and yes i am serious ...

oh i love my little flat .. :) ))

How is she paying for her supply billed, DD or ona meter. If meter she could be paying off someone elses bill.

Turn everything off and see if the disk in the meter is still spinning as someone may have tapped in lol 128 quid a month ffs. Someones Avin a larf. Probably powering a cannabis factory next door lol

Off peak meters cost more for day-time leccy (I think that's right) so either get off peak sorted or check with leecy supplier she's on the right tariff for day time stuff only without the E7 bit.
