How are others managing ?

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In parts of France you need a permit to be allowed to go outside ...

we should consider ourselves lucky, but to the numpties meeting up and flouting the guidance, don’t be surprised when our lock down continues, the death rate rises and the NHS staff get more work than they can deal with.

earlier on today, i was washing my van and my GP walked past and he stopped to chat - he’s enjoying the quieter surgeries too and when the misses came home this morning from maternity, she said it was quiet too - now people can choose not to go to A&E, or their GP, but they can’t really hold back from delivering their new baby!

strange times indeed

Amazing isnt it. A&E depts are empty. how are people managing? and why can't they manage like that when this is over? NHS will be fragile for a while after all this is over. Very strange and I wonder if and when we will get any sense of normality back.

Our daily walk has had us re exploring all the local footpaths and seeking out new routes we had not previously found.  But it is starting to become repetitive.

But what is REALLY p****** me off is Jewsons failed to deliver some building material, ordered before the lockdown.  It should have arrived on Wednesday but they C***** up. It was re scheduled for Friday, but they shut down on Thursday.

I have already told them don't expect any more business from me after the lockdown, because thanks to them I have just about run out of work to do on my house now for god knows how long.  It is okay being stuck at home when you have plenty to do, but it is just beginning to get a bit boring when you don't have stuff to do and you can't buy materials to let you carry on.

Oh and today was supposed to be boat launch day for another season of sailing.  I can't even get to look at the boat as there is no category to travel to "fettle my boat"

Oh and our tenants have asked for a 3 month rent holiday, so we are short of money and not going to get ANY help with that one from the government.

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I don’t understand the priority that Wickes are operating .... they make you queue to get onto their website ..... then you find the item you want but you can’t click and collect ....

So Wickes, B&Q etc are doing click and collect.

Which category of "essential travel" do I quote if I get stopped on the 50 mile round trip to get to either of them?

So Wickes, B&Q etc are doing click and collect.

Which category of "essential travel" do I quote if I get stopped on the 50 mile round trip to get to either of them?

the fact that they have been allowed to remain open would be more than enough to justify going to collect...

you could also say its for work... no restrictions on 'essential', simply if it cannot be done from home then carry on

looked at wickes the other day. its a bit odd that you get stuck in a virtual queue just to even look at the site, regardless of you wanting to buy anything for either delivery / click & collect or just to look at what they have for prices etc

the fact that they have been allowed to remain open would be more than enough to justify going to collect...

you could also say its for work... no restrictions on 'essential', simply if it cannot be done from home then carry on

That didn’t work for me. The item I wanted was “locked” and not considered “essential” and my local store has loads .....

Just as a heads up on the wickes and Bq Queuing websites, best to do it whilst store is open as click and collect options are not allowed during store closed times. At least that was my experience. :C  

queueing time over an hour just to get on B&Q website. All I need is 30' of pigging 4x1 planed timber...... then theres the question of being stopped by the cops on the bridge back on to the island. Not many options open to me.

as members of the construction industry, we are allowed to travel for work. The coppers around here are only stopping cars full of families.

ive never seen police stopping anyone.

on the plus side, this was my trip out yesterday... almost had the motorway to myselfDSC_7946.JPG

That didn’t work for me. The item I wanted was “locked” and not considered “essential” and my local store has loads .....

Well, I was out earlier doing a small fix ... so took a look a look at what people were collecting from Wickes and let’s just say nothing I saw could be deemed “urgent “ ... then tried the queue again ... and BINGO the system let me order the wood 

so wood store roof repairs will be happening

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