How do you revise? And how do you know if you've revised enough?

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Oct 12, 2009
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Just wondering what methods people did for revision? On exam 205 at the minute and using swindon massive.

If I could get every question right on swindon massive do you reckon I would know enough to pass the exam? As I hear that the questions on there are easier than actual exam questions.

What better ways are there?


read read read

then read some more


when you pass

sorry, I have no conclusive answer,

but you do need to keep reading,

but, at the right times, there is no point reading if you are on autopilot,

read,understand,absorb, that is the only way you will gain knowledge,

oh, and never ever ask someone how do you do something,

always ask,

WHY do you do that.

sorry I cant be of any more help,



I think it depends on how your brain is wired. For my HNC and degree I always left my revision until the night before and did well. Sometimes I wrote stuff down rather than just read it and found that worked well. Mneumonics are an excellent way to help you to remember stuff- a classic one being that one for resistor colour codes which is no longer appropriate !

One of the things I think is a good idea is to decide on your least favourite part of the course (it's bound to be the bit you're worst at) and really work on that. I found that I spent lots of time revising the things I enjoyed and found easiest and that's no blinking use at all.

Swindon Massive is a great site, I thought the level was about right.

If you can get Brian Scaddans electrical books he has exam questions at the end of every section. So by doing these (without cheating) this should give you a good idea of how you are getting on.

However, when I did my 2330 Levels 2&3 exams, some of the questions that I were asked had not been covered during the lectures or in my books, so they took some working out and partly a lucky guess.

It was always obvious though that the same guys who hadnt put the work always had to do exam retakes!

I have moved this to the student and learning zone, more help from other in your position may be forthcoming.

Some, most or all of you lads will take the **** out of me for this, but it has worked for me for years now. This studying method is a bit new age, but it

The most politically correct version that I thought of and not the one my tutor told us!

Bobby brown runs over your garden, but violet grey wont

Oh and just to say, my tutor who was a really nice helpful guy was afro caribbean.

The key to revision is to take the day's notes and when you arrive home, condense them into bullet points covering the main things you have learned (do this before switching the TV on etc). This will also alert you to things you have not properly understood and give you a chance to ask further questions. Revision is then a case of reviewing the bullet points and revisiting your notes/text books to clarify the points you are not certain on. This may not help you now, but it may do in the future.

Cheers, Chris (ex lecturer, Marine Electronics)

Another aid to memory is smell, however all the exam rooms I have been in smell very bad.

Another aid to memory is smell, however all the exam rooms I have been in smell very bad.
Apparently smell works better than taste, but a with my luck I would burn the lecture room down with a discarded incense sticks.


I've just finished my 2330 and 2391 and I wasn't planning on another course for ages, but now I want to do one just to try that idea.My husband has got exams coming up but if i suggest it to him I think he'll assume I'm taking the p*** :C
you're married ?!?!?!?!?


and you led me on?

bad day explode

Does your college use Moodle ?

Mine does and I have copies of all the training material we used in the theory class's and have gone through all of these several times when revising.

As well as Swindon Massive (excellant revision tool) and as many mock papers as the WWW can provide.

This is done from a week before exam , about 4 hours a day but I DO not revise on the day before the exam , this is to allow the brain to digust what I have revised and to relax a bit before the moment.

Most of all relax and have faith in yourself.
