How do you revise? And how do you know if you've revised enough?

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I was terrible with revising when I was at school, nobody taught me the importance of it and I wasn't told how to do it hence I never really started learning properly until I was 18, but the most useful revision technique tried and tested is reading it over a few times, then closing and trying out some questions on it, or if it's worded writing it down until you feel you've done enough, then going back and reading it again.

Even something that simple was oblivious to me when I was a kid, but I'm glad I learned how before it was too late.

also everyone is different, sometimes this method doesn't work for me so I ask others to help me.

Swindon massive.

Thats all you need.

Get that down to a tee, you'll be fine.

Multi guess exams aren't a real measuring 'tool' for intellect/information/whatever.

Good luck. keep us updated on your progress

I was always taught that it was Violet and not Purple;)The only clean version I know is





Battle in


Not complete, but it is clean;)
I only know the dirty one, otherwise I wont remember it.

BBROYGBVGW, and yes it's the "bad boys" one lol

my dad has a clean one which is something like

Billy Brown Revives On Your Gin But Values Good Whiskey

I've remembered the non PC version since 1970, it may have been racist and sexist but it sure stuck.

Cheers, Chris
