Huge dog!!

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2008
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I went to price a job today and I was discussing requirements with the customer when in walked this German shepherd dog and he seemed very tall from where I was sitting..He was out in the garden when I arrived but come in to check me out I suppose but he seemed really friendly He must of liked me as I left the property with all my bits intact. That might change if they think my quote is a bit steep!! :pray

9 out of 10 large dogs that I meet whilst working in people's houses are big softies, only last week I did a job in a huge house which had a huge mastiff in it but it was more scared of me than I was of it. It's the little dogs you need to watch !. Twice in my 20 year electrical career I have been nipped by dogs and both times they were little ones - the most recent one was a miniature daschund that thought it was a rottweiler. On both occasions the dogs ran off before I could direct my size 10 steep toecap toward their head.

9 out of 10 large dogs that I meet whilst working in people's houses are big softies, only last week I did a job in a huge house which had a huge mastiff in it but it was more scared of me than I was of it. It's the little dogs you need to watch !. Twice in my 20 year electrical career I have been nipped by dogs and both times they were little ones - the most recent one was a miniature daschund that thought it was a rottweiler. On both occasions the dogs ran off before I could direct my size 10 steep toecap toward their head.
What is it with little dogs? They always have something to prove!!

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Even friendly dogs can be a pain if they are of a certain height , such as German Sheps or Lavatory Doors. Their height is ideal for whacking you in the nuts.
It's when they jump up at you with muddy paws...Hope it's mud as the drive home in the van wont be a pleasant one..even worse with bruised nadgers!!

I went to price a job today and I was discussing requirements with the customer when in walked this German shepherd dog and he seemed very tall from where I was sitting..He was out in the garden when I arrived but come in to check me out I suppose but he seemed really friendly He must of liked me as I left the property with all my bits intact. That might change if they think my quote is a bit steep!! :pray
That was actually the customers husband - he's a bit kinky :)

I had a soft as anything staffy sitting on my lap the other week "talking" to me,,, that was a bit scary as the dog was new to me!!

To to agree though, little dogs are the worst, been nipped by a ****zu before,,,, but then I have had an adult Wiemaraner creep up on me from behind and scare the living daylights out of me with one bark!

Not too long ago I was replacing a socket under a friends kitchen work top. So there I was on my knees on the floor bent under the worktop when her massive doberman jumped on my back trying to get it on with me FFS!

The last time I saw that dog it was a cute little puppy, not some huge randy animal lol!

I have a friend with a huge cross breed, easier for him to get the wife to make an extra meal than buy dog food for him (Great Dane/Bull Mastiff cross)AndyGuinness
That is one large doggie!!

They take him out for a walk in their car, attach the lead to the moulded handle on the door card.AndyGuinness
I'm surprised it's not drawing the car along!

Or Cats - was in cupboard by front door of job yesterday, CU 18" from floor, cover off, live bus bar exposed - suddenly cat comes in for an explore! Tries to jump up as cats do - feet straight on MCB's

Cat straight out of door (Helping hand)

Was that your cat I politely enquire - inquisitive b*ggers , no not ours, our nieghbours - yeah thought I hadn't seen it before.

Still had that hot clammy feeling though!!

Anyone know what fried cat tastes of? (Don't say cats!!!)

On the subject of cats, the biggest problem I've had with them is when I've got floorboards up- the little swines decide to go under the floor for an explore- then you've got to ask the owner of the house how many cats he/ she has got and do a 'cat count' before you nail the boards back down !.
